Hey I'm a Monmouth college student!! Ok ok it was 25 years ago and I only lasted 1 semester but it's Monmouth university now.
That is a little steep for an entry level, I could see the whole idea. A kid in college dorm with a turntable and headphones but maybe at $499 not a grand. Vpi is local to me and I've been there several times but the new regime running the place is getting a little crazy.
With their 3d printer arm the arm tube is more than an entire jmw arm and the word on the street is it's not that good . Then a $24000 direct drive which I haven't heard much about yet, but looks like a classic 3 . And then 2 different scouts and 5 different classics now(1,2,2.5,3 and 4). Plus Aries , HRX traveler and now nomad!! Wow!!! I remember when it was just hw19, Aries and TNT . And you would buy the basic table or the junior version and upgrade as you go.
As a few of you know I've had 5 different vpi tables over the last 15 years.
And recently left vpi for another brand. Why? Well first I was just intrigued with the table I bought, second I found an offer couldn't refuse . Third being able to upgrade my tonearm in the future is important to me. But main reason is because it pissed me off a classic 1 can't be upgraded to a classic3( my dealer told me it could be when I bought it), because the plinth and arm are so different. And that was never vpis style. They always were in front in the upgrade game. You can put all the bells and whistles on a classic 1, and it's still not a classic3.
Oh another reason I didn't go vpi was because I couldn't afford an HRX which is what I really wanted. Lol!!!
I'm not sure where they are headed nowadays but it's definitely a different company than it used to be. Ok rant over !!!