Synergistic Research PowerCell


New member
May 6, 2013

I was curious if anybody has any experience with the Synergistic Research PowerCell? I have one here in my system (little cube with 4 outlets), that I'm just trying out, as my electricity here is rather suspect. I live in a 48 story apartment building and get RF interference sometimes, etc, and generally things just have a subtle grunge about them (well, at times..not as much late at night).

I'm just curious because I put this thing in, and things really did seem to clear up a bit. Does anybody have any experience with their lineup? I really have no idea what this thing is doing, and there isn't a transformer inside so its not regenerating the electricity or whatever. But it seems to help quite a bit, but I really don't feel like spending $1200 on it right now as I'm also buying this new preamp here (Primare PRE-32).

Or any recommendations for dirty power cleanup at this price point. I was using a Furman conditioner but it honestly didn't seem to do much except degrade things overall for a little blacker background.