Suggestions on a decent $100 cartridge.


On this we will just have to agree to disagree. The OM series has a compliance of 25um for the OM-10 which was the supplied cartridge for Dual and the 2M Red is 20. Plus to my ears, and I have had both in my system, the 2M Red is shrill and CD sounding. It is the epitome of marketing hype led by Fremer's glowing review. The 2M series shape and all was designed to cash in on the Rega phenomenon and the cartridge body is even shaped to mimic a Rega tonearm.

Jack......We seemed to have bumped heads again :) They don't make the OM-10 cart any more just the 3 & 5......the OM-10 replacement stylus which are still available is more than Doug's budget which was mentioned earlier in the thread.....I was just pointing out on what's available in today's current OM series and 2M red in regards to your compliance spec.....both at 20 which is more than suitable for the dual arm. Ortofons, Grados and Shures were all popular with the duals back when I owned them. Bottom line there are several cartridges that will work nice with Doug's table with his suggested budget. All is good!!

We are not butting heads, we just have a difference of opinion about the relative worth of the two Ortofon cartridge lines. Having owned both of the cartridges and only keeping one, I made up my mind which one I thought was better. There are millions however that feel like Fremer and think the 2M Red is wonderful and not just "redbook cd sounding" as I do. My understanding was that Ortofon was going to discontinue the sale of complete cartridges above the 5, but that the higher end styli through the 30 would remain for the time being. At this point the OP can buy an OMB-10 cartridge and a replacement Sty-10 for around $100 combined.

Ortofon OMB 10 $59

Ortofon STY-10 Needle $45

If he just wants to hear something different, then that is good too, though with the increases in AT prices over the last year that under $100 category is getting smaller.
Thanks for the suggestions and info. everyone, I appreciate all of it. I went with the 2M Red. It basically will get mounted up and played for many alcohol fueled college parties I'm sure!