Have the original Apertures in my music room. Didn’t know there was a revision to a II series - at least not on their website.
From the horses mouth:
“The new panels have better fit and finish, also trap from larger area, but otherwise sound the same.”
They do not trap from a larger area... their "mouth" is the same height and length. The internal cavity is a little larger... that is all. This misinformation is insane
They do not trap from a larger area... their "mouth" is the same height and length. The internal cavity is a little larger... that is all. This misinformation is insane
Recently, Stillpoints announced the Aperture II ($800 each), which, among other things, moves the screen structure forward so that it’s flush with the surrounding wooden frame. They claim that this makes it possible for the Aperture II to capture more air movement.
Myles, do you have some sort of vested interest in stillpoints?