Steinmusic Harmonizer


New member
May 25, 2015
Has anyone tried the Stein Harmonizers? Interesting and, naturally, rave reviews everywhere! As someone new to Audiophildom, I'm noticing a trend...

I can accept the Stein concept of "elongating the air/sound molecules", but when it comes to the $750 resonating "Magic Rocks", I just have to take pause… That's where I draw the line, and for no other reason, than my family would ridicule me mercilessly.

But I would be interested in auditioning the Harmonizers.
Well I'll jump in and take a chance that the ridicule won't follow and say that I've used them for several years now and would not wish to part with them.
I too am satisfied with the "elongation of air molecules" reasoning behind its function.
The proof is always in the listening and to my ears they do seem to make my listening room have much less of an influence. There is a marked increase in image depth,width,
and height and a more "you are there" feeling to the reproduction. Sometimes the music will wrap around your head like surround sound.
They are expensive but so are some brands of cables and power conditioners.There price is in line with other high-end tweaks.
Has anyone tried the Stein Harmonizers? Interesting and, naturally, rave reviews everywhere! As someone new to Audiophildom, I'm noticing a trend...

I can accept the Stein concept of "elongating the air/sound molecules", but when it comes to the $750 resonating "Magic Rocks", I just have to take pause… That's where I draw the line, and for no other reason, than my family would ridicule me mercilessly.

But I would be interested in auditioning the Harmonizers.

Elongating the air/sound molecules?? I'm sorry but

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Likewise for the magic rocks. The only magic there is how the manufacturers get the money out of your pocket and into theirs.
Has anyone tried the Synergistic Research HFT. Those are at least reasonably priced. I have SR cables and must admit their magic potion seems to work.
The only magic there is how the manufacturers get the money out of your pocket and into theirs.

And so the ridicule flows from the spokesman....
I guess your not alone on this forum either...just another card carrying member of the pathetic little clique of old men who can't hear past their own intolerance.
(or 10 Khz...if your luck)
Magic Rocks are easy to ridicule. Calling them such is a real marketing blunder on the part of Stein. They could have come up with a more scientific sounding name like "parallel resonators"...

I would love to demo the Harmonizer. I trust my ears enough to know if something is working or not.

I just returned Stillpoints Ultras and Symposium Svelte's because my ears told me my system sounds better without. As far as I'm concerned, if I hear a more than subtle difference with a tweak, no matter how little known science exists to explain it, then it's real--just unexplained real.
And so the ridicule flows from the spokesman....
I guess your not alone on this forum either...just another card carrying member of the pathetic little clique of old men who can't hear past their own intolerance.
(or 10 Khz...if your luck)

I have an open mind on these matters, but it's not so open that logic and reason falls out.

All too much of this hobby is based on tweaks that serve no purpose other than to enrich those with vivid imaginations on how to get the most out of people's stereo components by creating ersatz devices and making ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims. [Elongating the air/sound molecules. . . .REALLY????]

Having attended only four rock concerts in my life [Billy Joel, Elton John, Moody Blues and one other that was less memorable] I'll put my hearing against anyone who attends those present day horror shows whose promoters claim they perform "music."

If you like your components, either save your money or SPEND IT ON MUSIC.