

New member
Apr 12, 2013
Does anyone know if I would be sacrificing any sound quality if I ran a steelhead directly to my snappers? Or should I use my pre amps aux input and run it through there . Since my pre doesn't have a remote and the new steelhead does. I would be using it like a pre anyway, and my hovland would just be an unnecessary component in the line. That's what I was thinking anyway. But I'm not sure if hooking the steelhead directly into amps would be a good idea either. Lol .
I don't own a steelhead yet but if I could sell my pre it would get me into a steelhead much faster.
Any opinions on this would be very helpful. Thanks
Oh btw if I kept both I think I could run 3-mc's and 1 mm lmao!!!
Nobody has an opinion on the best way to do this?
Oh well ..... Guess ill go the way that is best for my wallet!
Steve - I would call the good folks at Manley and ask them. They might be able to give you a better idea. I THINK you would be fine....and I'm sure the Steelhead will act as a good preamp....but I don't know. FWIW - I would sooner do a Classe CP-800 and a Manley Chinook combo.
Yes mike I hear ya! But I'm done with the little step up here and there. It ends up costing too much money and having to deal with audiogon to sell it.
I heard the jumbo shrimp/chinook/ snapper combo. And it is a step up from where I am now. But not enough for me to give up my beloved hovland. Lol I also heard it with the steelhead in there and it was a BIG step up. I haven't heard a pre in reasonable priceing that really killed my hovland yet. But I'm always looking. thanks for the help