Steam baby!


New member
May 21, 2013
In two weeks, I'm meeting up with some "live steam" folks. I love old steam engines and I love trains. (I have yet to ride on a real full scale train). I also like steampunk. There is an affiliate of "Live Steamers" within driving distance of me that has been there for years and I just found out about it. they have a track and give rides on small scale trains and everything over there. (There is a great location in Griffith Park, but it's too far away). I already know I will be asking how much it cost to get a train because I'm a glutton for punishment, but those guys are in the know and may be able to steer me into some type of involvement to eventually have one myself. I already connected music with it:snicker::D Should be an interesting break from the norm. Yes, you better believe at least two rides will work into it. You never turn down a train ride.:D
Trains are cool, especially old ones!!! Have fun !!!!
Maybe you can get someone to build you steam amplifiers. Lol!!
Very cool Eric!

If you could post a photo or two that would be great. Have fun!
Is this the kind of thing you're talking about?

Trains are cool, especially old ones!!! Have fun !!!!
Maybe you can get someone to build you steam amplifiers. Lol!!

Now don't go putting ideas like that in my head, there's a potential to act on them. LOL!