SoundKaos Wave40 speakers at Rhapsody NYC

Found the URL for the show and I may try to make it on Friday. A veritable treasure trove of Swiss Audio names. Only obvious exclusions are DarTZeel and Goldmund (the Geneva guys), PIEGA and Heil AMT (Ticino)

Audio Consulting, Audio PerformancE, BOENICKE AUDIO,
CH PRECISION, ETERNITY JO, HolborNe, Illusonic, KLANGWERK, manufacture le son,
Hi Martin,

Let me join in on the warm welcome.

Based on what Bob has been saying, I have kept an open mind. As I had indicated, your show conditions in Zurich were no good, as you were in the open auditorium. In addition, if you have done further upgrades to the design, then it seems your have double chance to be more impressive next time.

I will see if I can make it to Montreux this weekend. Given that I will try to make Zurich, i may not get 2 weekends off, if you know what I mean (LoL).

Do you have a website for the Montreux show?

Wisnon thanks for the welcome. The link for the Montreux Show is sonsetsens ch. (had to leave a few bits of because of the 10 post rule) It is a small event with Swiss manufacturers only but most of the big names are there. If you do decide to come drop me a quick email with your postal details, just use the link on the SK web site, and I will mail you a visitors invitation. That goes for anyone in the vicinity and of course you are all invited but it is a bit far from NY, NJ, Texas and Hunter Valley and I would not want to put Bob's nose out if nobody turns up on Saturday. lol:)
So, I met Martin and spent a wonderful with him and his crew hour in the room.

I like the Wave a LOT better than last year, owing to the fact that the room was better than the open hall it was in last year. I was busy playing many of my SuperCD demo cuts which were really well received. The Wave 40 was run with powered subs.

This is a heartstring kind of speaker, excelling at female vocals, jazz venues kinda music. The only tiny complaint would be that it did not have jarring dynamics. It imaged great, had realistic, rich tone, was seamlessly integrated in terms of drivers, a nice wide soundstage and looked good in a living room to boot. When I saw it last year, it seemed odd. Well set up in a living room, it looks like a nice statement piece due to the nice wood and svelte enough shape/profile. It apparently will play up to 102db, so is no slouch. It was driven by a Holbourne Pre/power SS combo. Colotubes were not used, neither was the Lumin (Weiss Dac used instead).

I think with a high quality/power SET amp, this will match very well and will be the final stop for the right audience.
Thanks Norman. Sounds like a great tube speaker.
So, I met Martin and spent almost and hour in the room.

I like the Wave a LOT better than last year, owing to the fact that the room was better than the open hall it was in last year. I was busy playing many of my SuperCD demo cuts which were really well received. The Wave 40 was run with powered subs.

This is a heartstring kind of speaker, excelling at female vocals, jazz venues kinda music. The only tiny complaint would be that it did not have shocking dynamics. It imaged great, had realistic, rich tone, was seamlessly integrated in terms of drivers, a nice wide soundstage and looked good in a living room to boot. When I saw it last year, it seemed odd. Well set up in a living room, it looks like a nice statement piece due to the nice wood and svelte enough shape/profile. It apparently will play up to 102db, so is no slouch. It was driven by a Holbourne Pre/power SS combo. Colotubes were not used, neither was the Lumin (Weiss Dac used instead).

I think with a high quality Set, this will match very well and will be the final stop for the right audience.

Hi Norman, so glad you were able to visit with Martin. Great talking to you today as well. That Lampi dac sounds great. And the JoSound speakers. There are so many good dac's out there right now. Digital has come a long way....a lot further than I EVER thought that it would. I have this Total Dac here for the last few weeks. I REALLY like it.

Again glad to see that you got to hear "the waves" again.:satisfying:
Total Dac is great too. For me nothing beats DSD128 at the moment though. Love it!

Had a nice chat with Martin, a very lovely unassuming, fun guy. We share the same taste in music too. LoL

I introduced him to the SuperCD cuts and we both feel you are in for a treat. LoL The same cuts wowed them in the Rowen room as well.

BTW, the setup for the waves was good but not perfect. Martin wanted the room to be deeper, so we could sit further back.

Only regret for the show was that I ran out of time to demo CH Precision (who are located walking distance from my workplace---big surprise for me), Soulution Audio, Audio Consulting (Serge is a VERY nice fellow PhD BioChemist to boot), and Geneva based Swissonor.