Sonus Faber Aida's at 2 meters from front wall


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Playing around with speaker positioning tonight. Moved them out 2 meters from the front wall. It really shows what those rear firing woofers/tweeters can do! Soundstage is absolutely massive.






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Totally agree on the room too Mike, what a lovely place & what great toys to ogle.
Mike - The room and system look great. I bet the sound is delicious!

Thanks guys. Yes, I'm very fortunate. A dedicated room is terrific.

My wife is itching to move due to this massive mall ( they are building right near our house which will cause traffic nightmares. If we did, I've insisted on a 30 x 40 room with 10-12 foot ceilings.

Fortunately, land is cheap in Florida so long as you're not on the coast.
Thats so sweet!!!!!!
Not for the mall, but that setup deserves its own custom built room.
MIke...everything is looking great. A big congrats. I am curious, what is the clearance between the top of the speaker and the ceiling at the point where it slopes down? Are you pointing the back firing tweeters straight or down a bit to make sure the wave guide does not interact as much with the ceiling? It sounds like you are getting great staging no matter what so probably not an issue but I was just curious.
MIke...everything is looking great. A big congrats. I am curious, what is the clearance between the top of the speaker and the ceiling at the point where it slopes down? Are you pointing the back firing tweeters straight or down a bit to make sure the wave guide does not interact as much with the ceiling? It sounds like you are getting great staging no matter what so probably not an issue but I was just curious.

Clearance? About the width of a piece of paper! Half inch actually.

The rear woofers/tweeter are aimed "inside". Flip the speakers and they aim "outside". The manual recommends "inside" and I remember reading Bill P. saying he had yet to find a setup where outside sounded better.

Then, I adjust the depth dial (off and 1-4). I have the depth at 3.

I'm just playing around, trying different things. If they are too close to the front wall, then you really can't use the rear firing tweeter/woofers.

I love to tinker.

On my other system, I moved certain furniture and went with the 82% rule and moved the speakers out about 2 feet from the front wall. The imaging is now much better. Everything has tightened up. The Studio 2's, with their down firing port, has the ability to much closer to a front wall then say a speaker like the Futuras with a rear firing port.