Some photos from my trip to Boston


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Looks like a fun trip. How did the Rockports sound? I imagine you listened to them with the Simaudio and Spectral amps.
Looks like a fun trip. How did the Rockports sound? I imagine you listened to them with the Simaudio and Spectral amps.

I'm just not a fan. Maybe its just me? To me, Raidho and Magico are really innovative and as a result sound so much better.
I'm just not a fan. Maybe its just me? To me, Raidho and Magico are really innovative and as a result sound so much better.

Sounds like an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing the photos. Were the listening rooms at Goodwin as incredible as they look? It's been my dream audio store to visit. I'm sure you're not the only one that is not moved by Rockport. I was super impressed by the Rockport Avior but I would say it's all based on my subjective impressions. I can't say I've liked any of the Magico speakers (in theory I love them with all the innovative tech involved) but have yet to hear the Q series.
Sounds like an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing the photos. Were the listening rooms at Goodwin as incredible as they look? It's been my dream audio store to visit. I'm sure you're not the only one that is not moved by Rockport. I was super impressed by the Rockport Avior but I would say it's all based on my subjective impressions. I can't say I've liked any of the Magico speakers (in theory I love them with all the innovative tech involved) but have yet to hear the Q series.

Goodwins is terrific and everyone there was great to me. I wish I had a dealer like that in Sarasota.

Don't get me wrong, the Rockports are great speakers - but its just not a sound for me. I can see why many people love them.

I'm not terribly keen on the Magico Q series, but the S series is a home run IMO. The S1 is an engineering marvel. How do they do it? Disappearing act. Bass that you think a subwoofer is in the room and sweet highs. The only knock? You wouldn't put the S1 in a 20 x 30 and expect it to compress the room and play super loud.

That being said, I really did like the Q1. It does nothing wrong, but isn't as involving (emotionally) as the S1/S5.

The biggest winners from the trip for me, were:

Audionet Max amps (very high resolution and musical)
Audionet DNP preamp (engineering marvel. It does it all - and all well)
Raidho D3 (I couldn't find fault!)
Raidho C1.1 (these are better than the D1's IMO. Others may disagree.)
Soulution 501/520 (these are not clinical amps. They are beautifully musical and a big thank you to my friend Jon for bringing them for me to listen!)
Magico S1 (engineering marvel)
Spectral (now I understand all the fuss).

Just my opinion of course. YMMV.
Goodwins is terrific and everyone there was great to me. I wish I had a dealer like that in Sarasota.

Don't get me wrong, the Rockports are great speakers - but its just not a sound for me. I can see why many people love them.

I'm not terribly keen on the Magico Q series, but the S series is a home run IMO. The S1 is an engineering marvel. How do they do it? Disappearing act. Bass that you think a subwoofer is in the room and sweet highs. The only knock? You wouldn't put the S1 in a 20 x 30 and expect it to compress the room and play super loud.

That being said, I really did like the Q1. It does nothing wrong, but isn't as involving (emotionally) as the S1/S5.

The biggest winners from the trip for me, were:

Audionet Max amps (very high resolution and musical)
Audionet DNP preamp (engineering marvel. It does it all - and all well)
Raidho D3 (I couldn't find fault!)
Raidho C1.1 (these are better than the D1's IMO. Others may disagree.)
Soulution 501/520 (these are not clinical amps. They are beautifully musical and a big thank you to my friend Jon for bringing them for me to listen!)
Magico S1 (engineering marvel)
Spectral (now I understand all the fuss).

Just my opinion of course. YMMV.

Yeah Spectral is pretty incredible. I kept hearing they were lean and strident but I found them to be so smooth, detailed and fast and generally fatigue free. They handled transients like nothing I've heard before and imaging was superb. I have the same preconceived notion about Soulution so maybe I need to hear them. Interesting findings. I'll be adding some of the gear on my wish list to hear.
Oh that's goodwins, I thought you were visiting Joes house. Hahaha!!
No seriously , there's some good stuff there. I've been there a few times but several years ago.
They always had a great selection.
Raidho c1.1?????? I might have to drive up and give em a listen.
They fit into my wants and at a decent price. Ribbons and monitors!!!
Thanks for the pics . Looks great

Thx for all the great pics.....Goodwins is really top notch in all respects. VERY curious as to any specifics that you might share regarding your personal preference for the C1.1 vs. D1. I've never heard the C1.1's and will be ordering a pair shortly, but I was doing it to have that price point available. Are there any specifics that you can share at why the C1.1 sounded better to you. Would love to know. Was it the imaging, resolution, bass??....thx in advance for any tidbits of information.

Thx for all the great pics.....Goodwins is really top notch in all respects. VERY curious as to any specifics that you might share regarding your personal preference for the C1.1 vs. tht D1. I've never heard the C1.1's and will be ordering a pair shortly, but I was doing it to have that price point available. Are there any specifics that you can share at why the C1.1 sounded better to you. Would love to know. Was it the imaging, resolution, bass??....thx in advance for any tidbits of information.

The D1 tries to go a little too low for a single little 4 inch woofer and the bass can sometimes, on a few select recordings, sound a little uncontrolled. But we are talking about few recordings. VERY few. Its a trade off - because they sound bigger and just plain better.

The C1.1 bass is much better controlled. But it doesn't sound as big as the D1. You can tell the D1 really is a more coherent speaker. But the C1.1 does bass control better IMO.

At the Blink show last night, the crowd was mixed. Half preferred the c1.1, half preferred the D1. Chocolate vs Vanilla. Both are amazing.

If you have the latest TAS, JV talks about hearing the D1 at a show.

The c1.1 and D3 are my two favorite Raidho speakers (and now I have pretty much heard them all) given their prices points and equating SQ.

The D3's are pure magic. I tried hard, really hard, for two days to find fault. I couldn't.

Smooth tweeter - check
Great, well defined midrange - check
Tight, defined bass that also goes low - check
Dynamic - check
Resolving - check
Disappearing act - check
Wide soundstage - check
Deep soundstage - check
Musical and emotionally involving - check
No listener fatigue - check

I'm tickled pink with my buying decision. :)
