Hi Mike,
Just a very simple/small thing that I remarked recently: When you are in any forum's section, it shows all the threads from that section, and each thread has a number of Replies, and Views.
1. When you click on that
number of Replies, it opens a new screen.
2. In that 'new screen' (top left corner), it shows Who Posted? (at the left), and also Total Posts (at the right) from each member (for that particular thread).
3. But! ...You have to expand that 'new screen' horizontally in order to see Total Posts by each of them members (at extreme right).
4. And then it's a long way from Who Posted? (member's names at left) to their Total Posts count (at the right).
This new screen, normally, should be smaller, and contain both Who Posted? and Total Posts.
You don't usually have to expand that screen; the space in the center is too wide and wasted.
The trick: reduce that unused widening center space.
How? I just don't know; ask your site programmer expert.
Like I said; it is of minimal importance for 99% of us. ...And it still does give you the info.
But it could be improved, that's all.
* It's a feature that myself I use quite often, as it gives you a quick glimpse on each member's activity in each particular thread of all the forum's section.
It's like an audio graph, a set of measurements on the real performance of the frequency response from each loudspeaker.
...But still just a graph, the real substance is in the listening (reading).