Silverline Audio Minuet Supreme Speakers

TONEAudio Magazine

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<p><strong><a rel="attachment wp-att-10632" href=""><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-10632" title="OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" src="" alt="" width="600" height="519" /></a>Mini-monitor speakers have long been audio’s little darlins—easy to place, reasonably prices, aesthetically pleasing. As evidenced by an unofficial website (,* the Rogers LS3/5a BBC monitors still inspire cult reverence. Not that longstanding judgments against small speakers have gone away. Critics maintain that they get lost in larger listening rooms, suffer from limited bass extension, and don’t generate enough air or image. Alan Yun apparently remains oblivious to such noise.* His company, Silverline Audio, a breeder of high-performance speakers, has given birth to the “runt” of the litter, the Minuet Supreme.</strong></p>

<p><strong>The Minuets Move In</strong></p>
<p>Given the hernia-inducing weight of some high-end equipment, it was a welcome relief to receive a 15-pound carton that a mere mortal can easily hoist. While unpacking these little beauties, I was impressed with the handsome rosewood vinyl veneer, high-quality speaker terminals, and compact size (9
