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<!-- #thumb --> <p>Sony has announced a renewed attempt at grabbing market share in the music business. *This time in the form of <a href="http://discover.store.sony.com/High-Resolution-Audio/" target="_blank">players</a> that play anything including high resolution.</p>
<p>Their last attempt, SACD, was a great sounding medium but they shot themselves in the collective foot by being so restrictive and didn’t have the chops to pull off a monopoly like they wanted. *Their corporate history is littered with multiple attempts at monopolizing an industry, Blu Ray being their latest one. *Who could forget the Betamax vs. VHS wars? *Perhaps their outright purchase of several major motion picture studios will help them win the video format monopoly they are currently looking for.</p>
<p>This latest attempt doesn’t have the traditional markings of monopoly building and may, in fact, be a legitimate attempt at joining the marketplace and adding to high end audio rather than trying to take it over. *Only time will tell.</p>
<p>What’s interesting to me is a trend they are pushing. *”Don’t worry about the format, just enjoy the music”. *They are trying to take the computer out of the experience. *I think that’s a great trend and will go a long way towards simplifying the experience of downloading any high resolution format and just enjoying the music without concern how it go there or what its technical aspects are.</p>
<p>So do we really care about this? *Are we, as Audiophiles, worried about losing touch with the different formats, choices, bit rates, sample rates, double this or single that?</p>
<p>Well, are we?</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/care/12132/]
<p>Their last attempt, SACD, was a great sounding medium but they shot themselves in the collective foot by being so restrictive and didn’t have the chops to pull off a monopoly like they wanted. *Their corporate history is littered with multiple attempts at monopolizing an industry, Blu Ray being their latest one. *Who could forget the Betamax vs. VHS wars? *Perhaps their outright purchase of several major motion picture studios will help them win the video format monopoly they are currently looking for.</p>
<p>This latest attempt doesn’t have the traditional markings of monopoly building and may, in fact, be a legitimate attempt at joining the marketplace and adding to high end audio rather than trying to take it over. *Only time will tell.</p>
<p>What’s interesting to me is a trend they are pushing. *”Don’t worry about the format, just enjoy the music”. *They are trying to take the computer out of the experience. *I think that’s a great trend and will go a long way towards simplifying the experience of downloading any high resolution format and just enjoying the music without concern how it go there or what its technical aspects are.</p>
<p>So do we really care about this? *Are we, as Audiophiles, worried about losing touch with the different formats, choices, bit rates, sample rates, double this or single that?</p>
<p>Well, are we?</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/care/12132/]