Serious Music Listening ♪♪♪


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
A Solitary Hobby?

Personally, I would have to say yes. ...Unless I'm in the right "music" company (more seldom than the norm).
It's like wine, or women.
- Wine; everyone has their favorite, and for various occasions.
- Women; not everyone enjoy more than one at a time, but there are exceptions of course.
A Solitary Hobby?

Personally, I would have to say yes. ...Unless I'm in the right "music" company (more seldom than the norm).
It's like wine, or women.
- Wine; everyone has their favorite, and for various occasions.
- Women; not everyone enjoy more than one at a time, but there are exceptions of course.

A solitary hobby? Absolutely and unquestionably "YES"! I'm the only one who has ever seen or heard my system! I know of nobody in my physical world who is even interested in listening to music period.
Well, I had my fair share of music dancing parties over the years. :)
And there were quite a bunch (large number of people) who enjoyed the same music playing. :woot:
...Very serious music listening/dancing/playing parties. :D

After all I guess I am a sociable audiophile.
I never drink alone, so a resounding "no" to your wine question. You need to hang out with either 1) better wine, or 2) better wine snobs.

For audio, that can certainly be solitary, but it is very nice to have a few friends that appreciate a good listening session (and wine, too!).

As far as women, more than one at a time is always a good idea. :D
About that wine comparison thing; I compared it to a music selection. Not all music selections are going to satisfy everyone's taste equally in the room. That's all.

- Wine is much more fun to taste, savour, enjoy among friends; not a drop of doubt about it.
Wine, Women and Music; they all interact together somehow, the more quality of it the merrier.
...Lots of w's with its own inversion; m's.
Bob, I don't think that'll even give him a feeling on his hair as it sails above.
You have to remember I am a young whippersnapper here. Your reference did a flyby amigo.

And diet coke. With crown royal!
Emile, could you describe in order of importance (in your life) these below:

- Music (including listening and setting up audio gear)
- Liquors (hard and wine included)
- Women (looking, touching, etc.)
- Food (eating, cooking, etc.)
- Computers (fixing, communicating, gaming, youtubing, searching, learning, downloading, Facebooking, Twittering, googling, etc.)
- Nature (surroundings and all including wildlife and jungles and gardens...)
- People (including family, friends, etc.)
- Sports (watching or/and practicing, like bowling for example, or fishing)
- Riding (cars, horses, planes, boats, bicycles, motorcycles, canoes, etc., and including sailing and travelling)
- Playing chess (or backgammon, or dominoes, or bingo, or snooker, or poker, or darts, or movies, ...)
- Sleep
Fortunately for me, the system is on in the morning before work, on every evening while working at home (with my wife by my side working on her computer) and probably on 15 hours/day on Sat and Sun while working or whatever. Its really great to have it all at once...wife, work, music/system.
Fortunately for me, the system is on in the morning before work, on every evening while working at home (with my wife by my side working on her computer) and probably on 15 hours/day on Sat and Sun while working or whatever. Its really great to have it all at once...wife, work, music/system.

I feel the same way about my wife, 32 yrs. together , and it's still great !!
Emile, could you describe in order of importance (in your life) these below:

- Music (including listening and setting up audio gear)
- Liquors (hard and wine included)
- Women (looking, touching, etc.)
- Food (eating, cooking, etc.)
- Computers (fixing, communicating, gaming, youtubing, searching, learning, downloading, Facebooking, Twittering, etc.)
- Nature (surroundings and all including wildlife and jungles and gardens...)
- People (including family, friends, etc.)
- Sports (watching or/and practicing, like bowling for example, or fishing)
- Riding (cars, horses, planes, boats, bicycles, motorcycles, canoes, etc., and including sailing and travelling)
- Playing chess (or backgammon, or dominoes, or bingo, or snooker, or poker, or darts, or movies, ...)
- Sleep

Yeesh... that is a tough one to rank. However, if that order you listed was kept, it is certainly a bit comical. :)
Emile, could you describe in order of importance (in your life) these below:

- Music (including listening and setting up audio gear)
- Liquors (hard and wine included)
- Women (looking, touching, etc.)
- Food (eating, cooking, etc.)
- Computers (fixing, communicating, gaming, youtubing, searching, learning, downloading, Facebooking, Twittering, etc.)
- Nature (surroundings and all including wildlife and jungles and gardens...)
- People (including family, friends, etc.)
- Sports (watching or/and practicing, like bowling for example, or fishing)
- Riding (cars, horses, planes, boats, bicycles, motorcycles, canoes, etc., and including sailing and travelling)
- Playing chess (or backgammon, or dominoes, or bingo, or snooker, or poker, or darts, or movies, ...)
- Sleep

This is totally 'knew' to me Eric: "--" ...I tried real hard to find out the 'clue' meaning of it, and I simply came empty, just like an empty bottle with a message inside and floating in the ocean's vastness. ...And not until found by the who someone can the message be finally deciphered. ;)
This is totally 'knew' to me Eric: "--" ...I tried real hard to find out the 'clue' meaning of it, and I simply came empty, just like an empty bottle with a message inside and floating in the ocean's vastness. ...And not until found by the who someone can the message be finally deciphered. ;)

Not new, it's my computer being a freak. I type words it shows up as --. Obviously fixed now.
My list:
Music (yes again)
Computers (research, software evaluation and a little bit ofgaming…very little, music discovery)
Cooking (with music. Try it sometime, it enhances everything…..and we have music again)
Ancient Egypt
Women (Where?)
Sleep (I left out the non-starters for me)