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<!-- #thumb --> <p>I thought you might be interested in an update on the Helmholtz Resonators we built into Music Room One. *For those of you who watched the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/sharanelani" target="_blank">video series</a>*on building the sound room you will remember that we closed off each of the room’s four corners, built a wall*at a 45 degree angle in each of those corners, filled them with sound absorbing material and then proceeded to add tuned port resonators to help eliminate the 12dB bump we have at 24Hz.</p>
<p>I am sorry to say they didn’t work all that well and Bob Stadtherr (our chief engineer) and I are a bit baffled (not to make a pun). *We did get about a 4 to 6dB reduction at 60Hz, which is good because we also had a problem area there, but almost none at the target frequency.</p>
<p>The good news is we were able to quite accurately calculate and predict the problem due to the room’s dimensions. *The bad news is we weren’t able to accurately calculate what we should do about it.</p>
<p>We’ll keep plugging away to make progress, but I did promise you I’d say what happened.</p>
<p>There’s a video we produced that’ll show you the process we went through. *Head here to see <a href="http://youtu.be/H0zBAACSmI8" target="_blank">Tuning the Music Room, Part One</a>.</p>
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<p>Paul McGowan is the CEO and co-founder of PS Audio Inc. a Boulder Colorado design and manufacturing company of high-end audio products and services. McGowan has been designing and building high-end products for nearly 40 years. Hobbies include skiing, music, hiking, artisan bread baking, kick boxing and cooking. He lives in Boulder Colorado with his wife Terri and his 4 sons.</p>
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<div id="text-14" class="widget-container widget_text rightwidget" readability="30.6741573034"> <div class="textwidget" readability="13.1460674157"><p><strong><big><u><a href="http://eepurl.com/e0cLo">Get Paul's Posts by clicking here</a></u></big></strong><br />Here's a great way to start your day out by getting something new and fresh each morning. </p><p>Join in-the-know people sharing Paul's insights into everything high-end: the gear, the people, the history, the passion, the fun and the music. </p>
</div><div id="text-15" class="widget-container widget_text rightwidget"><h3 class="widget-title"><span class="title">Recent Paul’s Posts</span></h3> <div class="textwidget" readability="13.4433198381"><ul readability="14.8340080972"><h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/resonating/11084/" rel="bookmark">
<p>I thought you might be interested in an update on the Helmholtz Resonators we built into Music Room One. *For those of you who watched the video series*on building the sound room you will remember that we closed off each […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/cosmetics/11078/" rel="bookmark">
The value of cosmetics</a></li>
<p>Looking at the latest issue of Hi Fi Plus, one of my favorite UK magazines, the cover shows a picture of the beautifully executed Constellation Audio products. These super expensive high-end audio pieces are beautiful on the inside and the […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/relieving-pressure/11072/" rel="bookmark">
Relieving the pressure</a></li>
<p>Having a big system like we do in Music Room One sometimes is a lot of responsibility and pressure to both maintain it and worry about how it is sounding. As a reference system, it really needs to be constantly […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/classical-vs-rock/11067/" rel="bookmark">
Classical vs. rock</a></li>
<p>One of my readers brought up a really good point when he suggested the use of classical music appeals to only but a few people and the majority of high-end audio and potential high-end audio lovers listen to a much […]</p>
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The Outback's very best Online Pokies and Casino Line Up await you at<br /><h3> <a href="http://onlineslots-reviews.com/">online slots</a> Some cultures consider 888 to be a lucky number.</h3> Facebook. <a href="http://onlinecasino-trust.com">casino bonus</a> US and Canadian players welcome.Our Selected Best Online Casinos
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Pokies, also known as Australian style slots or video slot machines are some of <a href="http://onlineslots-portal.com/">online slots</a> and offers for iPhone pokies - slot machines at mobile online casinos.</p><p>every time that you play - Mega Moolah. <a href="http://newbestonlineslots.com">slot sites</a> Get a $500 If you're from Ontario, Quebec, British
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/resonating/11084/]
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<div class="content" readability="45.9513307985">
<!-- #thumb --> <p>I thought you might be interested in an update on the Helmholtz Resonators we built into Music Room One. *For those of you who watched the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/sharanelani" target="_blank">video series</a>*on building the sound room you will remember that we closed off each of the room’s four corners, built a wall*at a 45 degree angle in each of those corners, filled them with sound absorbing material and then proceeded to add tuned port resonators to help eliminate the 12dB bump we have at 24Hz.</p>
<p>I am sorry to say they didn’t work all that well and Bob Stadtherr (our chief engineer) and I are a bit baffled (not to make a pun). *We did get about a 4 to 6dB reduction at 60Hz, which is good because we also had a problem area there, but almost none at the target frequency.</p>
<p>The good news is we were able to quite accurately calculate and predict the problem due to the room’s dimensions. *The bad news is we weren’t able to accurately calculate what we should do about it.</p>
<p>We’ll keep plugging away to make progress, but I did promise you I’d say what happened.</p>
<p>There’s a video we produced that’ll show you the process we went through. *Head here to see <a href="http://youtu.be/H0zBAACSmI8" target="_blank">Tuning the Music Room, Part One</a>.</p>
<center><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/resonating/11084/emailpopup/" onclick="email_popup(this.href); return false;" title="Forward to a friend and help us engage more readers" rel="nofollow"><img class="WP-EmailIcon" src="http://www.pstracks.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-email/images/email.gif" alt="email Resonating" title="Resonating" /></a>*<a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/resonating/11084/emailpopup/" onclick="email_popup(this.href); return false;" title="Forward to a friend and help us engage more readers" rel="nofollow">Forward to a friend and help us engage more readers</a></center><br /><!-- // MAILCHIMP SUBSCRIBE CODE --><center><a href="http://eepurl.com/eSzBY">Get new and fresh stories like this each morning by joining the folks reading Paul's Posts. Click here </a></center>
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<p>Paul McGowan is the CEO and co-founder of PS Audio Inc. a Boulder Colorado design and manufacturing company of high-end audio products and services. McGowan has been designing and building high-end products for nearly 40 years. Hobbies include skiing, music, hiking, artisan bread baking, kick boxing and cooking. He lives in Boulder Colorado with his wife Terri and his 4 sons.</p>
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<div id="text-14" class="widget-container widget_text rightwidget" readability="30.6741573034"> <div class="textwidget" readability="13.1460674157"><p><strong><big><u><a href="http://eepurl.com/e0cLo">Get Paul's Posts by clicking here</a></u></big></strong><br />Here's a great way to start your day out by getting something new and fresh each morning. </p><p>Join in-the-know people sharing Paul's insights into everything high-end: the gear, the people, the history, the passion, the fun and the music. </p>
</div><div id="text-15" class="widget-container widget_text rightwidget"><h3 class="widget-title"><span class="title">Recent Paul’s Posts</span></h3> <div class="textwidget" readability="13.4433198381"><ul readability="14.8340080972"><h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/resonating/11084/" rel="bookmark">
<p>I thought you might be interested in an update on the Helmholtz Resonators we built into Music Room One. *For those of you who watched the video series*on building the sound room you will remember that we closed off each […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/cosmetics/11078/" rel="bookmark">
The value of cosmetics</a></li>
<p>Looking at the latest issue of Hi Fi Plus, one of my favorite UK magazines, the cover shows a picture of the beautifully executed Constellation Audio products. These super expensive high-end audio pieces are beautiful on the inside and the […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/relieving-pressure/11072/" rel="bookmark">
Relieving the pressure</a></li>
<p>Having a big system like we do in Music Room One sometimes is a lot of responsibility and pressure to both maintain it and worry about how it is sounding. As a reference system, it really needs to be constantly […]</p>
<h3></h3><li><a href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/classical-vs-rock/11067/" rel="bookmark">
Classical vs. rock</a></li>
<p>One of my readers brought up a really good point when he suggested the use of classical music appeals to only but a few people and the majority of high-end audio and potential high-end audio lovers listen to a much […]</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/resonating/11084/]