Reaching out and touching the sound

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>On a recent pilgrimage to Arnie Nudell’s home (founder of Infinity and Genesis) to have a power amplifier shootout, I was struck by a comment he made to me about the way the system sounded (which was nothing short of magnificent).</p>
<p>He correctly pointed out that the sound was so real you could easily imagine yourself reaching out and touching each of the instruments.</p>
<p>We were listening to a great new piece of music I was unfamiliar with called <a href="" target="_blank">La Folia</a>. *Using period instruments, this great recording really showed a wonderful soundstage and indeed the instruments were so real it was as if you could touch them.</p>
<p>How did our new amplifier do compared to that experience? *Unfortunately, it was as if the ability to touch them was gone when we put the new amp on. *I was quite upset over the experience but although our amplifier sounds great, the fact that it didn’t live up to this standard was new to me. *I am determined to figure out why and what the mechanism is.</p>
<p>And just when you think you have the world by the tail, you take it to a new test and learn of a whole new dimension.</p>
<p>And here’s something else interesting – I’d wager good money these two amplifiers we compared would measure close to identical – yet one had this amazing realism and palpability the other lacked.</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s back to the drawing board but it does appear like I’ll be rolling my sleeves up again.</p>
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