Pushing too hard

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>In yesterday’s post <a title="Common myths" href="http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/repeated-myths/12097/">Common Myths</a>*I encouraged people to think of the volume control on their stereo systems as a brake rather than a gas pedal and release as much of it as they could.</p>
<p>Several of you were kind enough to point out one little thing I neglected in writing this advice: loudness. *To be clear, when releasing the brakes on your volume control, be mindful of loudness for a couple of reasons: you don’t get good benefit from pushing a power amplifier too hard and there’s a perfect level for every system and piece of music.</p>
<p>The take away on the level control setting sounding best at its highest, is one that has to be tempered with good practices and common sense: don’t exceed or even get close to pushing your power amplifier or loudspeaker too hard. *Worry about pushing your drivers too hard. *Never listen too loudly for your ears. *Remember that each system, room and piece of music has a perfect volume level: too low or too high is just simply wrong.</p>
<p>Let’s cover that in detail tomorrow.</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/pushing-hard/12107/]