Protect your vinyl...GruvGlide


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Seattle Area

I am not one for magic potions and elixers. It takes a lot to prove something to me and even then, I am the final arbiter of something's worth..In other words, I don't easily drink the

so on another forum, I head of someone who uses GruvGlide to protect his vinyl, get a noise free sound, reduce friction (the true source of skate and sonic vibration mistracking). I keep my vinyl very clean with a DIY RCM. If I get any static, I have a Zero Stat. But still, decided it try it...

I have to say, it works pretty nice. Leaves a gorgeous shine on the vinyl and no loss of clarity...anyway, how much more can I say about a product..its too simple to expound on an on...

Give it a can find it in a variety of places INCLUDING Amazon...


I'm not a fan of the squashes detail and dulls the sound plus it leaves gunk on the stylus. I avoid any type of lubricant product for LP's. as always YMMV :)
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Hmm..two guys I respect...You and the guy who recommended...whats a fella to do !!! LOL

Well, I am experimenting - have not noticed a loss of detail but I have some SELECT test albums I like to use to see how things sound...worse comes to cleaner will remove it ...

Thanks Jeff..You know I had asked him about gunk on the stylus...I mean, it is not liquid..its actually a particulate matter (I guess the way graphite lubricates), but while it is supposed to reduce friction, I cant see how it doesn't get in the deepest recesses of the grooves...:skeptical:
I spend a fair amount of time with my cleaning regiment making sure the LP's are as clean and free of any contaminates. GG is a lubricant and does get deep down in the groove, it also will quiet an LP especially if the LP has groove damage or its noisy from debris deep down in the grooves.....however it dulls the sound and many have experienced the same. I also found depending on the stylus profile as to how much crap ended up on the stylus. If you use good cleaning fluids you will be surprised how quiet your LP's can be and sound.
I spend a fair amount of time with my cleaning regiment making sure the LP's are as clean and free of any contaminates. GG is a lubricant and does get deep down in the groove, it also will quiet an LP especially if the LP has groove damage or its noisy from debris deep down in the grooves.....however it dulls the sound and many have experienced the same. I also found depending on the stylus profile as to how much crap ended up on the stylus. If you use good cleaning fluids you will be surprised how quiet your LP's can be and sound.

Then perhaps I'll stick with my normal cleaning solution and RCM the GG for anything not perfect..which I have VERY few...LOL...I only keep what I listen to (not an album hoarder) and I make sure I have near pristine of anything I have...its worth it !

Thanks for the advise ! And BTW..I could just see my microline getting would not take much...spec of dust is bigger than the stylus tip...:rolleyes:
I don't have to use it often but sometimes after cleaning an album (non-Gruv glide) on a very dry day (winter), the LP will get staticy..3 shots with the zerostat and gone..Nice and quiet vinyl...
I use GG and recommend it if for no other reason than to extend stylus tip service life as a lube. It does seem to clean up the sound of properly pre-cleaned 'distressed' records. I find that it somehow audibly 'eases' tip tracing and some may perceive this a loss of sonic 'edge' and possibly detailing. Sometimes an excess will come off on the tip after application and this is inaudible, harmless, and subsides after a couple playings.
I use GG and recommend it if for no other reason than to extend stylus tip service life as a lube. It does seem to clean up the sound of properly pre-cleaned 'distressed' records. I find that it somehow audibly 'eases' tip tracing and some may perceive this a loss of sonic 'edge' and possibly detailing. Sometimes an excess will come off on the tip after application and this is inaudible, harmless, and subsides after a couple playings.

Interesting. I will give it a try. Thanks.
Interesting. I will give it a try. Thanks.

I am actually loving it...for two reasons

1) It seems to protect my pristine vinyl with no loss of sonics
2) On older stuff that may still have some surface noise after cleaning, it has significantly quieted it down. No residue, nothing I see on the stylus...

It wont make a scratch go away (nothing will) but it has quieted those LP's that can be a tad noisey...I notice too it stays more dust free and I can literally blow off any dust that appears from walking across the room to the table...LOL