Thank you... Here is a link if anyone would like to see others that I have done... There are not a ton... I take forever doing one... just have to be in the mood ...
Here is what I have listed as the intro on my website (the link I posted):
"The images below are all hand drawn digital paintings that were created using a Wacom graphics tablet and Corel Painter software."
So I create my art work on my computer using a graphics tablet and stylus (brush). The exact same methods used when creating on canvas/paper without the cleanup ... This is the methods used on virtual all graphics art work done today. I just the Painter software to create still art.
Enough with these Atlantic storms, there taking my sand. What is interesting the rip is exposing petrified palm trees that used to line the coast a long long long long time ago along with the coquina rock shelf along our shore.
I am losing my Ash over here. Thanks to some idiot who brought us the Emerald Ash Bore from China without bringing it's natural predator along with it, there will be no more Ash trees left in the USA in the near future. This tree has to come down next week so this little pecker will have to move on to my neighbors 4 Ash trees.