Plasma vs LCD LED | 2013 Flat Panels Shootout - Value Electronics

If someone is recommending you an LCD LED in this year 2013, in the same price range as a plasma set; please don't believe that person.

Today, a 65" plasma set is vastly superior to one of the same size and of similar price range from the LCD LED variety.
And actually those newer LCD LEDs are being built with lesser performance than the ones from yesterday!
Why? Too expensive to build ones that are back-lit with local dimming. Now they are only edge-lit. ...Not competitive with the market.
And we all know that there is no cure for fast moving scenes with break ups. Plasma is King here. And now Plasma is bright enough; just look at that top Samsung plasma model. ...Number ONE HDTV, voted by the public with a sharp eye.

I love those every year shootouts by Value Electronics; they are the best source of true information for all of us, the customers and the pro videophiles.
+1 Bob, I've been following these annually also, and agree with the findings and opinions. I own one of each - Plasma and LCD. My LCD is nice during daylight hours in a bright room, but off angle viewing and motion resolution are easily trumped by my Plasma! And as you mention, the latest Samsung greatly reduces the brightness issue, and the Panasonics kill LCDs in terms of black levels and overall picture quality.
Panasonic plasma ST60 (this is the cheaper range to the VT and ZT discussed in that article) is the one to get this year. Unbeatable value and picture quality.
Panasonic TC-P60ZT60 - Best Picture Ever Tested by CNet

Panasonic TC-P60ZT60 Review by CNet

* From the first link above of my first post, the winning Samsung Plasma top model for 2013 is no slouch either.
Me I would be very happy to own that one as well. ...And the Panasonic TC-P60ST60, and the TC-P60VT60. ...But make them all at 65" Class size.

Finally the best flat panel plasma HDTVs, at sizes that are very decent (60 to 65"), and also at prices that all of us can easily afford.
...Ten years ago those prices were in the five digits. ...Now, in the low four digits. :cool:
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Agree - especially the 65" version. Costco also sells a S64 at an amazing price which I believe is similar to that one with the anti-reflective panel that the VT uses.

Panasonic 65" 1080p Plasma TV TC-65PS64

The S64 sold at Costco is identical to the S60 with an added anti-reflective filter which helps during daytime watching, but it is not identical to the ST60. There are a few important differences between the ST and the S. The ST is the better set, with double the "gradation steps", a 96hz refresh rate, more settings and calibration flexibility, deeper blacks, etc. (plus 3D, if you care about that sort of thing! :))
Very true Esteban; the ST Series is the one to get for real value.

The S Series is inferior and not up to it for serious videophiles.

...It is well known from the pro video calibrators from all over, including AVS and Blu-ray Forums.


#1. ZT Series
#2. VT Series
#3. GT Series
#4. ST Series (but you can almost elevate it to #2).
#5. There is no number 5 (stay with at least the ST Series).


* Today is May 29, 2013. ...In the near future 4K and OLED are going to take over. ...And prices are going to get down.
The S64 sold at Costco is identical to the S60 with an added anti-reflective filter which helps during daytime watching, but it is not identical to the ST60. There are a few important differences between the ST and the S. The ST is the better set, with double the "gradation steps", a 96hz refresh rate, more settings and calibration flexibility, deeper blacks, etc. (plus 3D, if you care about that sort of thing! :))

Good to know Esteban - I had heard that the Costco version was esssentially the same but now I understand the differences, and would spring for the ST also!