Payday Albums: 7/26/13 & 8/23/13


New member
Apr 19, 2013
<p><img class="story_image" src="" /></p> <p>Julianna Barwick's new album, <i>Nepenthe</i>, is available now. Photo: Shawn Brackbill.</p>
I’ve been so happily preoccupied with my review of NAD’s new D 3020 integrated amplifier that I’ve again fallen behind on my “Payday Albums” posts. My review of the D 3020 will appear in our November issue. I used many of the albums listed below as demo material for that review.
It’s been a seriously great time.
<b>Payday Albums: 7/26/13</b>
<b>Mayer Hawthorne</b>: <i>Where Does this Door Go</i> (CD, <a href="!news">Republic Records</a>)
<img src="" width="600" height="600" border="0" /></p><p>
We had been planning a feature on Mayer Hawthorne, to be published in our October issue, but it fell through. At around the same time, I began seeing ads for the Hawthorne’s album, <i>Where Does this Door Go</i>, everywhere, so I became curious. Two things set me over the top: Pharrell Williams’ involvement as co-producer and Kendrick Lamar’s guest verse on the single, “Crime.”
My initial response was more or less positive, but I still haven’t given this album much of a chance. I need to come back to it.
<b>Zomby</b>: <i>With Love</i> (LP, <a href="">4AD</a>)
<img src="" width="600" height="600" border="0" /></p><p>
Ah, Zomby. I pretty much love everything this guy does. His sound is dark, distinct, and troubled. It always gets my attention. I wish, though, that there were more variation overall and that individual tracks were more fully formed. Some of these pieces feel like sketches and Zomby seems to have no problem just throwing stuff out there
