Pass Labs XP-25 phono stage


Active member
May 9, 2013
The more I listen to this and play, the more I like it. Configured currently for 5 inputs with the Uni phono selector - using 4 of them.


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Sweet phono preamp Shane. Thanks for the photos. How does the sound of it compare to other phono preamps you've had?

I have generally been a tube phono man for a long time. Almost that normal ss advantages vs tube advantages.
The Pass is a little more transparent through the mid range and I am liking the extra bite I am getting from lead instruments compared to my tube phono. Pass bass is a bit tighter and stronger. Tubes do add a little upper bass warmth which is maybe a bit too much of a good thing with my room/Maxx3 combo.
Tubes rule thou in dimensionality, musical ease and upper frequency air.

Nothing does it all, so it is always making choices. Having both tube and ss is one of those choices.

Have you got your vpi table up and running yet?
The TT arrived today. The Kleos cart is expected in a few more weeks. I have a Manley Steelhead coming as an alternative to the phono input on the Dartzeel. I still need some accessories and help with setup. These are exciting times.
Woo Hoo. No doubt you will keep us informed. The Kleos output is high enough that you can use the Steelhead MM input. It is a little purer in sound bypassing the SUT's in the MC stage. Harrys VPI alignment guage is a snap to use and sounds better with his VPI arms than any other alignment IMO.

I guess I have a lot to learn. I never knew that. Thanks.

Woo Hoo. No doubt you will keep us informed. The Kleos output is high enough that you can use the Steelhead MM input. It is a little purer in sound bypassing the SUT's in the MC stage.
Is the Uni phono selector a Pass L'absence product?
Is'nt it influencing transparency?

The uni phono selector is made by German company Acoustical Systems and has captive ic using Ikeda silver wire with 4 inputs each with grounding points. This selector is about the best one can use if you need to get extra inputs without going to a 2nd phono stage. I use my TW AC-3 table direct into input 1 and the uni selector into input 2.

Does it effect transparency ? Perhaps a little, however a change of an interconnect on the phono has a bigger effect on the sound than inserting the Uni selector. I put the unit on the spikes as the small soft feet had more effect on the sound than the switch.
I run 4 tables / 5 tonearms so this is the best option outside of a 5 input phono stage :-)
When I run a couple of tables into my tube phono, use the 2 inputs of the Pass direct.

What I'd like to know, Nelson?, is if this will work with the XP-30 I have, without the PS. I know you can use the PS of the XP-20, but what about the XP-30? I'm running out of shelf room!