Ordered 'Salience / Jasmine Lp2.0 MM-MC Phono Preamplifier'


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Seattle Area
I read wonderful things about this phono stage and really want to try it..so...has anyone else tried one? I am in a sort of phono stage/finance hell. I am sure if I spent more than $500 I could get something pretty awesome, but I also want to get a lot of value for my money.

The people I have talked to seem to rate this much higher than the Jolida JD9

So, feedback welcome...:D

Oh..and don't tell me get THIS ONE instead...too late for that...just want to know if there is any first hand knowledge ? Thanks
I think my friend has that. Not 100% positive though. I just text him but he's at work and won't answer until tomorrow. If it is , he loves it and runs a AT 33 E(something c or v)with it. On a music hall table.
Real nice sounding setup he has. I met him cause he saw me carrying a Kef box in my house. He lives down the road.
Congrats on the purchase, best of luck with it.
Petro !!! Thank you ...Its probably a AT33EV on a great table !

Let me know and again my thanks...

These guys seem to love em...

Jasmine MK III phono stage coming?
He texted me sometime during the night, it is a jasmine mk2 he says.
And he says its the best value in all analog. He says he runs the at33ev.
He runs other cartridges as well but I'm not sure what they are . The AT was on there the only time I saw his system. I tried to get him to join here but I don't know what happened.
He might jump in.
He texted me sometime during the night, it is a jasmine mk2 he says.
And he says its the best value in all analog. He says he runs the at33ev.
He runs other cartridges as well but I'm not sure what they are . The AT was on there the only time I saw his system. I tried to get him to join here but I don't know what happened.
He might jump in.

Thank you Steve !!! Yes, I have heard many good things...BUt I did cancel the order (temp) as I am working on the self built phono stage...thing I have it where I want it and then, no money spent...Just had to adjust two resistors due to difference in gain in the new cart....THNAK YOU