Off axis

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>If I am in the Music Room listening to some change engineering made or a new tweak we want to put into products, it’s my responsibility to listen and evaluate those changes as best I can and pass judgment on them. *Sometimes that’s very difficult because I find myself in a situation where it sounds worse here, but better there, etc.</p>
<p>One of the tricks I use to get a different viewpoint on the subject is to sit off axis. *In each of the Music Rooms we have three identical seats: one of which is, of course, the hot seat right in the middle.</p>
<p>I can move to either the left or the right seat next to the hot seat to get a different view of the sound and in many cases, the decision is made much easier by doing this.</p>
<p>I first noticed this while at Genesis Technologies with Arnie Nudell, founder of Infinity. *Because Arnie has always been the chief listener and evaluator, I was always sitting next to his seat; riding shotgun if you will.</p>
<p>Many times in our listening sessions over the years I would hear differences much quicker in the copilot’s seat rather than the pilot’s seat and thus, over the years, I’ve figured out the times when I need to simply move over and get a different view.</p>
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