Not for the faint of heart - be warned


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Seattle Area
Anyone ever head of the cactus need graft to repair a cantilever ? I have ...never thought I would attempt it though.

Cantilever Grafting

For those that don't know, there is quite a big fuss over cactus need carts...a lot of science behind it and they are quite pricey.

The Vinyl Anachronist: Cactus Needles? The Hyperion Phono Cartridge from Soundsmith

well, I am not going that route but I did just recently sheer a cantilever on an AT OC9/III. Professionally I can have it repaired for $180...but I am seriously thinking of doing Davey W's grafting. I think I can do it.

we will see. Still deciding and if I do it, will show what I can...
I will...trying to see if I need a microscope...I have a pocket scope but cant HOLD that and do the work at the same time....
Okay, Microscope on its way...Hopefully, will be doing surgery by next weekend. If I can, I will take pictures THROUGH the microscope of the process. Special thanks to DavyW for perfecting this method...
My Scope for the surgery...


The donor