Nola Micro Grand Reference Gold Debut


New member
Apr 19, 2013
<p><img class="story_image" src="" /></p> T.H.E. Show Newport Beach presented two opportunities to hear the encouraging debut of the Nola Micro Grand Reference Gold loudspeaker ($22,200/pair with stands). On both occasions, the speaker was paired with Nordost cabling, this time top-of-the-line Odin throughout.
Fed by an excellent Esoteric K-01 used as a transport, VAC tube DAC, and VAC 160i integrated amp, with noise quieted by two Nordost Quantums, the Nola Micro Grand Reference Gold loudspeaker was making beautiful music. Once the stereo Marchisottos quieted down, and Carl was able to play music undisturbed, it was impossible not to warm to his soothing choice of bossa nova. The CD he played had such beautiful depth that it was easy to imagine that it was a high-resolution file. The soundstage was all encompassing, as in fabulous, yet the sound of the triangle extremely delicate. The longer I listened, the more I was convinced that his speaker’s tweeter is very special.
Listening to a selection from the famed Mercury Living Presence 35mm recording of Prokofiev’s <i>Romeo and Juliet</i>, again I found the sound lovely and dreamy. The divided violins were especially captivating. Bravo. </p>
