New speakers for my second system...B&W PM 1s?


Active member
Apr 4, 2013
I am intrigued by the B&W PM1s after reading some reviews and loving the looks and small footprint. Anyone here have anything to share on your thoughts and experience with them. I have owned B&W speakers in the past and am a fan. I recently sold my 802 Diamonds and have heard the 805s many times.

I just sold my Audio Physic Sitaras and am looking to replace them. They were in my second system, in my living room.... need to be an easy load to drive and relatively compact. My wife was sorry to see the APs go, as they were gorgeous and sleek. Sound, for her was down on the list.

A little background...This is a system that mainly gets used as background when company is over, or we are sitting at the dining room table. I rarely sit in the room as it is not set up to feature a system and there is no seat near the sweet spot. I even run my Sonos system through it half the time.

How about the universally raved about KEF LS-50? Another thought and I have owned their predecessor, the JM Reynaud Bliss. I ran them easily on a 35wpc amp. and value=1

Thanks. I have heard the LS50s. I wasn't moved, but people I trust rave about them. They are a consideration, but I don't think they will make the final cut.

I have been reading about the Reynaud for years, but have never even seen a pair. They've always seemed interesting.
It's kinda funny.. When most audio nuts riff about 'musical' loudspeakers, B&W's rarely warrant a mention . I suppose it's easy to understand why. Typically, detail oriented speakers rarely earn the 'musical' (whatever the hell that means) denotation. That is, until the PM1's hit the scene.....

The PM1's are truly different animals. Unlike their brethren, the PM 1's favor warmth and smoothness over the whole "look at me - look what I can do!!" presentation that B&W has become known for . I rather like the PM1's. I guess that's because they more match my own personal bias. I tend to prefer transducers that allow me to sit back and pay attention to the music. And that's exactly what the PM1's do.

That said, they are still B&W's. They still sound uber refined, they still dish out plenty o' detail, and they still have the classic B&W look. So it's not like you'll be stepping into completely unfamiliar territory here... :D

Anyway... I think you should check em' out. And when/if ya do, be sure to post your impressions :D
Very cool Zero!

I think the PM-1's will work perfectly in Bruce's setup.
It's kinda funny.. When most audio nuts riff about 'musical' loudspeakers, B&W's rarely warrant a mention . I suppose it's easy to understand why. Typically, detail oriented speakers rarely earn the 'musical' (whatever the hell that means) denotation. But then the PM1's hit the scene.....

The PM1's truly are different animals. Unlike their peers, the PM 1's favor warmth and smoothness over the typical uber detailed "look at me - look what I can do!!" kinda presentation that B&W has become known for. With that said, I rather like the PM1's. Then again, I guess that's because they more match my own personal bias. I tend to prefer transducers that allow me to sit back and pay attention to the music - and that's exactly what the PM1's do.

That said, they are still B&W's. They still sound uber refined, they still dish out plenty o' detail, and they still have the classic B&W look. Personally, I think they'd fit your needs quite wonderfully. Sure, it's an expensive solution for what will ultimately be a system that's regulated to back-round music, but hey, it's not like any of us here are sane anyways! So if you have a chance to check em' out - do so! And when ya do, be sure to post pics and let us know how everything works out. :D

Well said! I concur. I'm also not a fan of the LS50's. I don't get the fuss.
Joe - I think so, too!

Mike - I hear you re: the LS50. To be fair though, they don't sound bad at all, and they do a lot of things that many people love.. I simply prefer a different kinda 'tone'. :)

Jack - I've only heard a pair of JMR's once...and that was at RMAF back in 08'. I'd LOVE to get my paws on a set one day.
Bruce - have you considered these?

Evolution Acoustics » MMMicroOne



One day soon I hope to buy another pair of Offrandes' as I foolishly sold off a pair of the ones Bob reviewed for PF years back.