More Emoticons!


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
As requested, I had my Developer come up with a whole bunch of new Emoticons. I hope you like! :cool:
Mike... I was in :disbelief: that these were coming. I was actually starting to :panic: that you would not get these to us. This is so :exciting:. I am actually going :bonkers:. Thanks again!!!
Mike... I was in :disbelief: that these were coming. I was actually starting to :panic: that you would not get these to us. This is so :exciting:. I am actually going :bonkers:. Thanks again!!!

You're very welcome. We have a list of 34 items that we are working through one at a time. I'm a perfectionist!

My favorites.

..not sure about the Hitler one.
Ok, sorry, wasn't trying to be controversial... 'just when I mouse over it "Hitler" pops up.
Didn't realize there was a Charlie Chaplin Hitler. :D
I've asked the Developer to remove that one. Thanks for pointing it out.