Miyajima Zero


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Had some audiophile friends over last night, one of whom is a pro at mounting and aligning cartridges. On my Innovation Wood we removed the Miyajima Mono Premium BE, and replaced with the new Miyajima Zero mono cartridge. I'm listening to it right now. As good as my Benz LP-S is, the Miyajima Zero is now my favorite cartridge. All the best qualities of mono and stereo together. Meat on the bones, texture, drive, body, harmonics plus now a bigger soundstage and air than I have ever heard from mono. Running it on my second arm (thomas schick 12" arm which is a perfect pairing). Compared to Mono Premium BE the Zero has more extension and air on the highs, more controlled and deliberate bass, and much more holography. I write that knowing that I also am trying to sell my Premium Mono BE cartridge but jeeeze this Zero is amazing!

Thanks for sharing. I can only imagine how sweet that setup sounds.
Darrin - thanks for sharing. What a terrific table you have! It's gorgeous.

I agree with Bob....I love that word, "Holography".