Mike's system

Hey Mike, as long as your making changes, go all the way and do Dolby Atmos. (somebody has to be first)
From the site, "scales easily to any size theater". Hmmm, I may have to rethink my home theater.
Rome was not built in a day. I'm sure building is the fun part.Great work. Enjoy
PS just curios what are the dimensions of the room?
I checked out Atmos. Crazy. I have 9.2 and thought that was good! I'm one of the few that really likes what the height speakers do. But as usual, the home theater part of my system is behind the times!
Probably Illusonic is cheaper at a mere $20K and its immersive stereo only goes to 16 speakers, but apparently their algorithm is very special.

Illusonic Immersive Processing

The stakes:

Is Dolby Atmos the future of cinema sound? | News | TechRadar

I luv it! I so much appreciate the surround sound explorers!

We'll be all dead, and the world of tomorrow's entertainment will be one of holographic cinema, and complete surround sound immersion.
Entertainment will be so good that many people will find it boring to go out in real life!
If you live in a city, I won't blame them, but if you live in the countryside, nothing will ever replace the mountains, the forests, the trees, the rivers, the cascades, the lakes, the oceans, the wildlife, the bright sunny day in that blue sky of autumn leaves ... and making love in that vast valley of spring flowers.
I asked my HT guy. He new all about it. Says 9.2 is still the way to go in my room. What a relief I thought I had to go back to the drawing board. Dolby Atmos is pin point sound and yes it moves but this can be achieved with 9.2 not as accurately but fuller. This was the explanation I got from him. I will still go to that theater to check it out for myself.

I checked out Atmos. Crazy. I have 9.2 and thought that was good! I'm one of the few that really likes what the height speakers do. But as usual, the home theater part of my system is behind the times!
I asked my HT guy. He new all about it. Says 9.2 is still the way to go in my room. What a relief I thought I had to go back to the drawing board. Dolby Atmos is pin point sound and yes it moves but this can be achieved with 9.2 not as accurately but fuller. This was the explanation I got from him. I will still go to that theater to check it out for myself.
Let us know what you think when you experience what the mid-town TO cinema has to offer!
So here's what I'm thinking......now that I have my Sonus Faber Stradivaris (Strads) back in place (should NEVER have sold them in the first place), I have been trying different amp combinations. The Hegel H30 is terrific and the stereo version is a keeper, the Cary 805AE's are the unanimous choice by visitors. With all the upgrades done by Cary combined with the 1940 GE 211's, WE300b's and MELZ 1578's, this 50 watt SET is a world beater. But I can't leave it on and forget it during the day for occasional listening. The Pass XA60.5's are wonderful - I think I want more of that! :) But the heat from the big boys! The Mc275's and VAC phi200's are good, but are going to be sold.

The good news is that no matter what amp I put on the Strads, they offer varying degrees of good. NOTHING sounds "bad". I LOVE these speakers! Did I mention that? No bass issues!! :woot:

Given this, I want to find a world class amp/preamp combo now that will work well with the Strads. I'm looking at Pass XS150/XS Preamp, Allnic A-6000/L-5000, Accuphase A-200/3800 or back to the tried and true Mc2301/ARC REF10 combo.


Pass - the HEAT!
Allnic - the TUBES!
Accuphase - $20,000 in Japan, $70,000 in America. Really?
Mc2301/REF10 - owned them before. The 2301's can be sluggish. Will some 6550 tubes change that?

I've ruled out Soulution (despite it being a great SS amp, just don't see it as a good match), Constellation (just not a fan), Spectral (don't want to have to buy MIT cables, don't see it as a fit), Boulder (pricing has reached new levels of insanity), Audio Note UK (just not seeing a good fit), etc.

Mike.....you might want to consider BSC Audio's 5 Series tiered class A bias amps. :audiophile: