MBL system = OMG

You're very welcome.
Hi Mike...a follow up question. have you ever heard the Arrakis II or the Genesis 1.2/Dragons? I apologize if I've asked before. I have heard these, and the XLFs (though not with the Thors)...I have my own preliminary impressions...but would appreciate further thoughts on this. If you have heard these, would love to know how they compare in your opinion to what you heard at RMAF and more generally to the XLFs. Thanks.
Sorry, never heard them. I have heard about them though. The speakers GaryProtein (the big Infinity) has are ones I really want to hear.
Yes! I wonder how they compare to the later generations of Genesis/Infinitys like Gary Koh's Genesis 1.2 and the flagship version of the 1.2, the Dragon. There are in fact 2 others i'd like to hear from days of old: Martin Logan Statements and the 'only-25-ever-made' Apogee Grands...the ones which came with 6 monoblocks of Krell amplification.