Manley 440 Watt Monoblock


New member
Apr 13, 2013




This is an older Manley product produced from 1994-1996.

Overkill !

My Snappers "killed" the 2301's in terms of sense of power, ease, fastness and musicality. A few people had the same opinion listening to both 2301's and Snappers side by side.

When I got my Shindo monoblocks, who killed both the Snappers and the 2301's, I chose to keep an other pair of monoblocks for back up / HT / ambiance listening....: The Snappers kicked the 2301's out of the house ! And I loved the 2301's but compared to the Snappers, they were a bit "boring", a bit "slow", like if they were saying at the same time than playing music " have you seen how I'm the Reference ? I'm the King ! I'm better than anything else....and so on". I was bored of this sound too straight and could not appreciate average recordings because all the details were thrown in my face. The Snappers had a higher sense of power and drive, but mostly, they make more music.
Now that Kev sold his amps I can say it : the Snappers kicked actually out of my home the 2301's. The Shindos are on an other level : that is a totally different unviverse.

So all this to say that I really WONDER why and who could need all this Manley power ??
I'm quite sure that the Snappers are faster and more fun to listen to.