Lumin App Update?


Behavior Moderator (be nice police!)
Apr 4, 2013
Lake Country, Georgia
New update available from Lumin !!

5.0 update allows internet radio via TuneIn service

Adds Ultra-Sonic filter for DSD playback or DSD up-sampleing for recordings with too much high frequency noise.
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I updated this morning as well.

From the software update notes it appears this update allows for internet radio streaming from a provider I wansn't familiar with. Can't remember which one and can't find anything about it on the Lumin website. Of course a subscription is required. No change in the appearance/functionality of the app.
Anybody have any experience with TuneIn? From the website looks like it has perhaps even less genre stations than XM Radio or Pandora.

I've been a happy MOG user for just casual listening and finding new music (the fact that you can listen to entire albums is great), but obviously this is being transitioned to Beats.
Tunein is popular on Sonos and has decent variety. The more the merrier. MOG will change to Beats Music in April.
Anybody have any experience with TuneIn? From the website looks like it has perhaps even less genre stations than XM Radio or Pandora.

I've been a happy MOG user for just casual listening and finding new music (the fact that you can listen to entire albums is great), but obviously this is being transitioned to Beats.

Hey Rance, how are you liking your Lumin so far ?
Hey Rance, how are you liking your Lumin so far ?

Yea, I guess it's apparent that I've got it now. I just got it 2 days ago. I was planning on posting about it after it's had some time on it and I've spent more time listening.

So far--Wow! It's great. And the fact that everything works flawlessly with the software is just as impressive. More details to follow in the main Lumin thread in a few days perhaps...
The same thing just happened to me (Windows 8.1 updates on my laptop).

I had to do the same thing; resetting everything by turning it completely off and then back on again.
Before that, capout, nothing was responding; totally freaky!