Linn Akurate DSM Review

Nice design profile. ...Seems overpriced.

* We already live in the future. ..But I would like the "Universal Sound", and from a "Sound" selector, I can have the choice between the Canadian sound, the American sound, the British sound, the French sound, the Italian sound, the German sound, the Scandinavian sound, the European sound, the Japanese sound, the Chinese sound, the Spanish sound, the Greek sound, the Australian sound, the African sound, the Hawaiian sound, and the South American sound (Brasil & Argentina). :)
I've heard both the Linn Akurate and Linn Klimax several times. The Akurate is definitely the sweet spot in the line up and it's sonic abilities as a preamp are quite good. Although Kinsky is a good app, Chorus and Songbook work a bit better IMO.....But there is a cost to both those apps and I only had time to play with them in the store.

Having said that about the terrific Linn players, my new Marantz NA11S1 sounds just as good, if not better than the Akurate, cost less than half as much and does DSD via USB natively and flawlessly.

How good does the Marantz sound? After several weeks of comparing it to my DAC2X, I sold the DAC2X and kept the Marantz. Enough said. Oh, and the Linn iPad app works like a charm on the Marantz (but Marantz does have their own iOS app too). The Marantz is a game changer IMO.

All formats on the Marantz via Ethernet worked like a charm and sounded better than via USB (although I still need to do more A/B testing to declare a winner). Its other built in features like Spotify and Pandora and Radio and its various other inputs all work extremely well.

I gave up trying to do DSD via Ethernet using minimserver. Chris' opening paragraph was spot on for me. I personally believe streaming DSD via Ethernet and the complications around it could be one of the reasons why we aren't seeing Linn support DSD via their DS line of players. The other reason is that they (Linn) could be right. There is no need for DSD in 2013:

"DSD has, like so many audio formats, come to the end of it's natural life. It's time to move on."


"DSD has, like so many audio formats, come to the end of it's natural life. It's time to move on."



I would say that too if my entire platform was built on a technology (ethernet) that, although superior sounding to USB (IMO), has major challenges with DSD. :) That being said, I'm sure people a heck of a lot smarter than me could figure it out!

On the flip side, they have a very valid point about DSD recordings. I don't remember seeing the latest Adele album or Norah Jones album in DSD! There are some nice esoteric direct to DSD recordings like those from Blue Coast....but nothing really "main stream".

We have to be realistic about DSD. If you have SACD's ripped to DSD (a real technical adventure in and of itself) and enjoy some of the esoteric direct to DSD recordings, then DSD is for you. If your material is mostly ripped CD's or 24/96, 24/192 downloads, then DSD might not be worth worrying about for you.

One thing I do know is that having lived with a number of DAC's (almost 20) and now a proper music streamer/server, I much prefer the sound of my Marantz and its price-to-performance ratio is outstanding....especially if you are able to obtain a tidy little discount on an already excellently priced piece of gear.

Side note: My Marantz has been running pretty much 24/7 since I got it and it has gotten better and better each day. I believe it has well over 200 hours now and is broken in. It sounds so smooth and "analog like". It makes my digital, well, tolerable.
