Just mounted my Ortofon 2M Bronze and set a speed record for me


New member
May 21, 2013
I just mounted my 2M Bronze to my Denon DP47f and did it in just under 20 minutes which is a speed record for me considering it normally takes me about 45 minutes to do such a thing. (So I can't help but think I screwed up someplace). However, everything seems to be in order. I set the cart all the way to the front of the headshell which gave me my 16mm measurement. I used the Stevenson alignment since that is what the table is based on and it appears the cantilever is dead on as far as I can see. The tracking is set at 1.5g exactly. The cart seems to be perfectly level on the index card measurement. (I forgot what that setting was called and I could care less to remember).
Grabed a record (classical) and put it on. The 2M Bronze,though a bit bright right now, blows the Shure M97xE I had on the table! Everything beats that Shure cart.
I do see that the 2M Bronze is not the best tracker though. It chokes on the slightest warp. My AT95E will track a record with warped like bubble wrap I think, it's such an excellent tracker. Well, ok maybe not that severe, but it does track fairly good warps like they aren't there. The Bronze wants records that are but of the slightest warp if that. As for sound, it already sounds loads better than the Shure even though a bit bright. I'll see how it sounds after 30 hours break in.
2M series sound better and track better when their tracked towards the higher side 1.7g.....your dealing with a fairly light cartridge, a fairly light tracker and a very compliant suspension so arm and cartridge pairing can be more challenging.
2M series sound better and track better when their tracked towards the higher side 1.7g.....your dealing with a fairly light cartridge, a fairly light tracker and a very compliant suspension so arm and cartridge pairing can be more challenging.

Thanks, I'll consider raising the tracking from 1.5g to 1.7g. I was actually thinking of doing that. Yes, it's kind of funny that my AT95E on my Pioneer PL510 will track anything making you think nothing is wrong. Obviously a different animal of a table all together compared to the Denon. The Denon is not a bad table I'm finding. Having the electronic dampening, anti-skate and the very compliant suspension is actually a plus, that is until something goes out on it,then it's time for a new table at that point because these Denons are very very hard to fix, if at all. Fortunately, mine is NOS so it has life left in it.