JOB 225 2-channel Power Amplifier ... update ...

Hi Everybody,
A friend of mine would be well served with a high quality amplifier but he is afraid the Job won't be able to drive his speakers. He has the Isophon Cortina's. I don't know if these are known on the other side of the pond but here are a few pictures I found on the internet:


I could only found one English document. CORTINA - Isophon

So anyhow I am not sure if these are really that difficult to drive but generally how powerful is the Job 225?
How efficient are they?

The Job is 200wpc RMS into 8 ohms and 125wpc as rated by them. 35db gain.
As long as the speakers don't go much below 3 ohms, I think it would be great. This is based on my own personal experience.

Looks like the Isophon Cortina speakers drop to a minimum of 2.7 ohms at 220 Hz. You should be perfectly fine with the Job 225.
Received mine finally- going leave it running for a week or so. For burn-in, sticking the speakers close together with one of them out of phase is safe to do with this amp? Too early to comment on sound but I was struck by the nice, open midrange.

Noticed that the manual still says 'dc-coupled without protection'. Wasn't it mentioned earlier in the thread- or perhaps another forum- that the amp had been updated to include some protection?
Congratulations GIST,

That method of break in is safe to do but I just decided to enjoy mine from the start. Hopefully Norman aka wisnon might be able to find out for sure. Unless you have a poorly designed tube preamp or tube dac, you should be fine. I have had zero issues with all generations of Job 225's.
Received mine finally- going leave it running for a week or so. For burn-in, sticking the speakers close together with one of them out of phase is safe to do with this amp? Too early to comment on sound but I was struck by the nice, open midrange.

Noticed that the manual still says 'dc-coupled without protection'. Wasn't it mentioned earlier in the thread- or perhaps another forum- that the amp had been updated to include some protection?
Yes, the new one has a DC servo for protection and its is claimed to have a negligable impact on SQ. The old $1500 Amazon version did not have said protection.
A quick update... The amp keeps improving to my ears, I only have about 20-30 hours on it. I'm using the pre-amp section of my primare integrated and I'm enjoying it a lot (although I am looking to upgrade to a dedicated pre-amp)... I haven't found any negatives yet. I am enjoying the sound stage, air, detail and depth, compared to my primare integrated.

I wonder what it's like with a real pre-amp ;-)
The better the preamp the better it sounds. The Job responds in spades.
Thank you very much, gentlemen, for your feedback and insight.

I will be ordering the Job when it becomes available again.
Thank you, Wisnon. I will definitely check JOB website on a regular basis for inventory availability.

I wonder if there are any benefits in running two amps as mono? Not sure if each channel is restricted to 225 Watts or it's based on the transformer restriction. It would be nice if each amp can pull closer to maximum power consumption running in single channel mode.
Greetings, all!

I've been watching with interest since I came across the JOB 225 while searching for smaller amplifiers a few months ago. I live in a small, 3-story town home [treehouse] with limited space. Upgrading the amplifier is the last step in my not-so-master plan to improve our 2.0-channel audio experience in a small home theater environment.

Twelve or thirteen years ago I started out with a Marantz SR 5001 receiver and a 5.1 system with a hodge podge of Cambridge SoundWorks speakers. Eventually, I replaced the fronts with some garden-variety Klipsch bookshelf speakers. Five years ago I turned the Marantz into a preamp and added an NHT Power 5 Class D amp to the mix.

Last fall, I got the itch. I replaced the 5.1 speakers with Monitor Audio Silver RX for LCR and their Radius 90's for surrounds. I replaced a dying Sunfire sub with a little Energy ESW-M8 (see the treehouse comment).

This is getting long: Then I added an Audio-GD 1.32 Sabre DAC, a Parasound 2100 preamp (for HT bypass and volume), and replaced the Marantz with an Emotiva UMC-200 for 5.1 TV and movies.

I'm not an audiophile per se, but with each replacement I obtained a uniquely better experience! My wife is on board hook, line and sinker! To say it was eye-umm-ear opening would be an understatement. And the sad truth is I only use an Apple TV to stream a reasonably compressed digital music collection.Last stop: 2-channel amplifier.

I know an e-mail went out referring to a December batch, but they must have pushed out a micro batch last week because I was fortunate enough to purchase one. Thank you, JOB, for the e-mail correspondence. It delivered yesterday!

Tonight I will compare the NHT with the JOB, but I think I'm going to be VERY impressed! I won't try to put sentences together with adjectives. First impressions: Separation - bass that sounds like instruments; it's actually not as pronounced, but it's better if that makes sense - crisp - detailed (as in I think I'm hearing things for the first time) - wider and deeper soundstage - the sibilance I was experiencing is basically gone (was worried it was the DAC!)...

I know just about any other quality non-Class D amplifier would provide improved and probably similar results, but I am thoroughly geeked on having this amazing and small amplifier in my system.

Thank you ALL for the reviews and overall interesting reading! And thanks for indulging me this walk down memory lane!

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Quiller aka JP welcome to the forum. I am so glad you joined. Thanks for the amazing first post. The Job225 is an excellent amp. Enjoy!

I still say that the Job225 is competitive with amps in the 10K range.
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