James from Bryston

From: Robert Fijałkowski [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:16 AM
To: James Tanner; Brian W Russell
Subject: BHA-1 - won - best Analogue Preamp

Hi James,

BHA-1 headphone amplifier won in the category ANALOGUE PREAMP the readers Audio Video magazine (2012/2013).

BHA-1 plebiscyt miniatura.jpg

Best regards,
Last edited:
From: Robert Fijałkowski [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:16 AM
To: James Tanner; Brian W Russell
Subject: BHA-1 - won - best Analogue Preamp

Hi James,

BHA-1 headphone amplifier won in the category ANALOGUE PREAMP the readers Audio Video magazine (2012/2013).

View attachment 447

Best regards,

Very nice! It's also a great looking piece too.
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Polish Review of Bryston BDA-2 DAC and BDP Digital Player

From: Robert Fijałkowski
Sent: April-16-13
To: James Tanner
Subject: Bryston BDA-2, BDP-2 - Audio Video Review

Dear Bryston,

Please find Bryston BDA-2 DAC and BDP-2 Digital Player review from Polish Magazine --- Audio Video Magazine.

ftp://ftp.bryston.com/pub/reviews/Bryston BDP-2_BDA-2_av4-13 (2).pdf

A Few English Translated Sentences from the review:

"(...) A very good Class 2 USB input in the BDA-2, so that this DAC is one of the best asynchronous D/A converters in its own class.

BDA-2 is in a very well-balanced, rich and musical.

More of an emphasis on warmth, richness and natural sound color than the ruthless precision or resolution.

Thank you for posting James. You and Bryston do a great job. Customer satisfaction is extremely high.
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Model T Customer Feedback – Absolute Audio Calgary Alberta

April 2013

What a treat!........i was truly surprised!.....this speaker amazed me for its ability to deliver such a clean/fast sound with articulate bass and a very even midrange. I am still shocked at the price/performance ratio.


I think it would be a challenge to find a speaker for the price of 6-7K that would actually surpass the Bryston Model T in all areas. I am so happy i had the chance to hear it today at Absolute Audio in Calgary.

This is a speaker that would sound great with a good 70WPC amp or a 600WPC amp of any HQ brands out there. Actually i would love to know how many buy it with/without Bryston amps..........even though in the photo it shows Ayre gear......I actually heard it hooked up to the 4BSST2 and BP26 and BP2/BDA2 and it sounded outstanding! The build is very solid and certainly made with Canadian Pride! Hmmmmm… maybe I need a 3rd system in an excuse to get these speakers.
