It's finally done! - Doug's system

You remembered I pull that stunt once with the SF Evo? That didn't turn out well and lasted only 2 weeks or so :mad:

I do remember that. There was bound to be carnage! You need a man cave (with a lock on the door).
I do remember that. There was bound to be carnage! You need a man cave (with a lock on the door).

You're totally right.. "Out of sight, out of mind" Problem solved!!! :D

I'm working feverishly trying to convince my wife we need to move..

I had to; just look at it! :lookatthat: ...It would made any wife (or girlfriend) real proud of her hubby. ...Hobby? :cool:
Thanks again everyone. I'm very happy with the outcome. Now that I have everything in its place I can concentrate on buying more vinyl! :)
Doug... The Room looks great!!! Get those new speakers soon. Or the Mrs. may forget she gave you permission.
My shelving units finally arrived last week and I set them up over the weekend. We tried a couple of different positions with them and ended up here, for now. I need to get a couple longer cables for my Mac Mini and Blu-ray player but I like the set-up as it is. I also need to get a small light to put in with the turntable so I can see in there better. The cabinets are pretty sturdy and stable so foot traffic isn't a problem.It's always hard trying to imagine what something will look like in your space from a catalog, but we're very happy with how it turned out. Sorry for the fuzzy pics, there isn't much light in the room this time of night.





Very nice dlb2. your room and system. Clean, simple and musical. Your choice of colors are very tasteful.

Thanks guys. Much appreciated!

Nelson, they're SED EL34's. I do have a set of Sylvania 6V6's and a pair of RCA Coke-bottle 6V6's that are waiting in the wings! :)
Nelson, I put in my RCA Coke bottle 6V6's in the other day. Here's a shot of them. They sound fantastic too!
