If the creek don’t rise ……

PS Audio

New member
Apr 19, 2013
<!-- #thumb --> <p>Thank you all for the kind words and thoughts you’ve sent our way during this crazy time here in Boulder. *Turns out we have three historic flood levels, the 25 year, 100 year and 500 year floods. *This is the 500 year flood according to the talking heads on the news. *I suppose after we dry out a bit we’ll actually know, but whatever the record is, there’s no question there’s a lot of water everywhere.</p>
<p>We’re all doing ok so far. *We sent our employees home Thursday afternoon and told them to stay home until Monday. *Many are *trapped in their neighborhoods and can’t leave anyway. *At the offices we’ve discovered the new roof we installed last year isn’t working all that well. *The warehouse, sales, production and administration areas all have buckets to catch the leaks and it’s quite a mess. *The sound rooms have been spared and we’ve managed to place sandbags in front of the warehouse rollup doors to keeps the flooding down.</p>
<p>Many around Boulder, Jamestown and Longmont have not fared as well as we have and our hearts go out to those without power, water and facilities or who have been trapped in cars.</p>
<p>The rains have stopped for now, thankfully. *Our fingers and toes crossed it’s over.</p>
<p>Summer is scheduled to return to Boulder on Sunday or Monday.</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/pauls-posts/creek-rise/11663/]