How About Showing Us Some Pictures Of Your PMC Speakers?


Active member
Apr 4, 2013
New Mexico
Here are some pictures of my PMC OB1i's!!!



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Jeff, I simply asked because I would love to know your own take on your own PMC speakers.

After all you bought them, because obviously you like them sound, and you must know a thing or two on the relation between PMC speakers and Bryston electronics. They are both Canadian companies (sorry, only Bryston is; PMC is UK). ...And Bryston was using/still using PMC speakers to listen to the music from Bryston amps, preamps, CD players, separate DACs, Crossovers, and SSPs.

But now Bryston is manufacturing their own Bryston speaker's brand.

Still, PMC speakers are well established in our world, and some of them are the best.
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PMC is from the UK....Bryston from Canada, PMC is the Distributor of Bryston electronics over in the UK, PMC uses some of Bryston amps in there active line of speakers, PMC and Bryston have paired many times at shows, Bryston use to be the US and Canadian distributor for PMC several years back but PMC has there own distribution now.
PMC is from the UK....Bryston from Canada, PMC is the Distributor of Bryston electronics over in the UK, PMC uses some of Bryston amps in there active line of speakers, PMC and Bryston have paired many times at shows, Bryston use to be the US and Canadian distributor for PMC several years back but PMC has there own distribution now.

Jeff... Thanks! I knew you could say it better than me. :)
Jeff, I simply asked because I would love to know your own take on your own PMC speakers.

After all you bought them, because obviously you like them sound, and you must know a thing or two on the relation between PMC speakers and Bryston electronics. They are both Canadian companies. ...And Bryston was using/still using PMC speakers to listen to the music from Bryston amps, preamps, CD players, separate DACs, Crossovers, and SSPs.

But now Bryston is manufacturing their own Bryston speaker's brand.

Still, PMC speakers are well established in our world, and some of them are the best.

Bob... I knew of the connection. I just thought Jeff or James could answer it better than me. I actually bought my speakers without ever hearing them first. I had narrowed my choices at the time to three pairs of speakers; 1) B&W 803D's [Dealer Demos] 2)Tannoy Glenair 15's [Audiogon LIsting in my state] & 3)PMC Ob1i's. [Demo Pair from Audio Classics]. The B&W's I home demoed for one week. The Dealer and I had an argument on price & soured mt taste for the B&W's. The Tannoy's were from an Audiogon member and no support in my area. The PMC's were an Audio Classics demo pair and were priced very reasonably. Also I could have returned them for a refund minus shipping after so much time (I think it's like 2 weeks) or trade them in within one year with AC's speaker upgrade program. When the year rolled around I was still quite happy with them and had no interest to upgrade. I really like their sound. I play music on them for hours on end and I never have any listening fatigue what so ever.