Holy Cow! 100 records plus box sets given to me!

So Eric, did you only kept two from your list, or do you still have some more?

* When someone gets a bunch of LPs for very cheap; he should always share with his friends the titles he has, before he gets rid of them.
Music is unique for each unique person.
So Eric, did you only kept two from your list, or do you still have some more?

* When someone gets a bunch of LPs for very cheap; he should always share with his friends the titles he has, before he gets rid of them.
Music is unique for each unique person.

Yes, I only kept two, the rest went to Goodwill. The other two may end up there as well unless someone local wants them. I did post a list here, but I have no way to ship them though, so what am I supposed to do? I can't keep them around forever. There is nobody local to me that is into music or audio or has any interest in those things. If there was anyone interested local to me I would have given them the lot in a heartbeat. These days for me, unfortunately, this is a solitary hobby and I'm a solitary person by luck of the draw, not of choice. There's not a darn thing I can do about it. If all that was rude and a violation of some sort, then I'll bail out. Bob, I know music is unique to each person, that's the first rule of working with it as energy, but I also can't be familiar with every artist and title in the world. ~Eric
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I would have kept the Walt Disney-Marry Poppins LOL.....big Disney fan and thats an old record(especially if its original pressing)
I know other stuff that is much more 'solitary' than music listening.

Music, audio forums are places to love other people who share similar hobbies as ours.
We can find true love in them, an we are all free to wish the ones we love. ...Or is it the other way around?

Anywho, I luv it here, I'm in love again with a bunch of lovely people, and Debby is a cool girl with a fun sense of laughing.
All the boys are normal, and they love beautiful looking women.

Music is a huge part in my life, and it's playing right now (Island Life) just like it's always playing full charge.
...Sick or no sick, fever or no fever.

Me I don't know much about those 100 albums that were given to you; but some members here know some' about some of them, and that's what's great about audio/music forums. ...We always learn, just like I learned here in this thread of yours.

We all do what we believe what's good to do. And nothing is rude or against the law, or violating other's rights (in the army and navy, yeah, there); but not here.

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Update: Well, I got home tonight and they are still here. I thought someone was taking them to goodwill for me. That's what I get for trusting that. That said though, I don't have the materials or money to ship records all over the place. So I am at a loss to fulfill the rule. I wish I could because I also now have some CDs from purging my library I'd like to give to someone who would like to have them. Record shops in my area won't take CDs anymore. (They also won't take the records I just got because they say can't sell them). Looks like I'll have the records until about Monday.
I know other stuff that is much more 'solitary' than music listening.

Music, audio forums are places to love other people who share similar hobbies as ours.
We can find true love in them, an we are all free to wish the ones we love. ...Or is it the other way around?

Anywho, I luv it here, I'm in love again with a bunch of lovely people, and Debby is a cool girl with a fun sense of laughing.
All the boys are normal, and they love beautiful looking women.

Music is a huge part in my life, and it's playing right now (Island Life) just like it's always playing full charge.
...Sick or no sick, fever or no fever.

Me I don't know much about those 100 albums that were given to you; but some members here know some' about some of them, and that's what's great about audio/music forums. ...We always learn, just like I learned here in this thread of yours.

We all do what we believe what's good to do. And nothing is rude or against the law, or violating other's rights (in the army and navy, yeah, there); but not here.

Music listening is solitary to me. Not because I want it to be, it just is. It's a little difficult for it not to be solitary when the only people you know are in cyber space. For me music is my only solace in life.
Music listening is solitary to me. Not because I want it to be, it just is. It's a little difficult for it not to be solitary when the only people you know are in cyber space. For me music is my only solace in life.

There's nothing wrong with that.

btw, where do you live?
I would have kept the Walt Disney-Marry Poppins LOL.....big Disney fan and thats an old record(especially if its original pressing)

I think it is an old pressing, looks it anyway. I don't like Disney, why would I keep it? Monetary value? Records aren't worth anything to me except in sound. I could care less about the monetary value of them. Records are meant to be played and enjoyed and not hanging on a wall to be started at or locked away someplace under guard. If I knew anyone local who wanted the records I would freely give them without hesitation. I can't keep them around, I don't have room for them and will never play them.
Sometimes we like stuff for sentimental reasons, nothing more. Everyone has their favorites.
I wish I had the means to ship the lot to anyone here who wanted them, but sadly that is an impossible undertaking for me.
:weird: What is going on!? Some guy the next town over (about 15 minutes from me), who doesn't belong to any audio forums or anything just gave me 100 records from the 50s and 60s and box sets!!!! I pick them up tonight!! He says, none are mint or anything (who cares, I have Xena like skills in that area). He said there are no classics such as Stones or Cream or what have you, just other artists such as Dean Martin. Sounds to me like there could still be some little surprises in there. He says they aren't sorted or anything (half the fun is sorting through records, so who cares). WOW! I wonder if this will keep up for a little while? I'm going to give the guy something for all them records even if I only end up keeping 20 or 2 or whatever. Got to return the Karma baby!:D Whatever I don't end up keeping will go to a record store or someone who wants them, gratis. That's how I roll = Share the music, not sell the music.

Wow! Congrats on the lp's...
