HEAT, High Voltage, too much time on hands, sell GAT?..not quite


Apr 5, 2013
Another brutally hot day out here in NW NJ.... :mad: around 100DegF at the moment. :heart:

Along with the heat, it appears the power company has jacked up the voltage.
I noticed yesterday the amber warning light on the Furman was illuminated, and the readout saying 125VAC.

'Fluke meter confirmed it, today, as yesterday, at some point the Furman decided it was too high, and kicked off the power to the hifi. I forget what the threshold is, but, I saw the readout at one point saying 127VAC, 'so it must be around that.

With the power off, I decided once again to try DAC-Direct. Since it's all the rage these days.. I'd tried this prior, and was impressed at how well things sounded.

So I disconnected the GAT, hooked DAC (D-07X) direct to amps, and away I went... as before, 'sounds good, very good.
I picked a few good recordings to listen to, had a quick listen, then popped the GAT back in.

Well, the GAT wins another round. Whatever the GAT does, coloration, distortion, abomination or dictation, it adds a nice "pleasure layer" to the sound... it's staying, at least until I change out DACs again.

AC at the moment is 122volts, not bad.. 1000 air conditioners running will drop at least 5 volts I suspect. :bonkers:
For those of us not in the know, what is DAC direct ? Also, I thought a GAT was a mobsters gun ?

haha, sorry, blame it on the heat! :)

dac-direct... that is throw out your preamp, and run your new fancy Digital-to-Analog Converter directly to your power amps....assuming of course you have a DAC with variable output.... GAT - Conrad Johnson tube based preamp. 110 here now.

The GAT is a SUPERB piece and I agree, whatever it does is wonderful. I suspect for summer listening some sort of voltage regenerator a la PS Audio P5/P10 or Purepower 1050/2000 unit. Maybe Jeff can recommend something. If you want to try my PP2000, you are welcome to borrow it.

The GAT is a SUPERB piece and I agree, whatever it does is wonderful. I suspect for summer listening some sort of voltage regenerator a la PS Audio P5/P10 or Purepower 1050/2000 unit. Maybe Jeff can recommend something. If you want to try my PP2000, you are welcome to borrow it.

Thanks for the kind offer Joe, actually, your recommendation alone is all it would take. I may have to have a look a regeneration, quite honestly, I never really even considered it until this week!
Thanks for the kind offer Joe, actually, your recommendation alone is all it would take. I may have to have a look a regeneration, quite honestly, I never really even considered it until this week!

Try mine with a money back guarantee. :)
Voltage reading on my 3 dedicated circuits are 130:disbelief: but even if its cool or winter time voltage reads 122-125:huh: I can only imagine if I had tubes:bonkers:

Voltage reading on my 3 dedicated circuits are 130:disbelief: but even if its cool or winter time voltage reads 122-125:huh: I can only imagine if I had tubes:bonkers:


I never thought to check my naked outlets. I need to check them tonight.
Joe...I live in a small town (2,500) within a mile of two substations. I'm good friends with the manager of the local power company (he's also a audiophile/music lover). We've put recorders and measured noise on my power and clean with very little noise. He says all the homes near me show similar readings:skeptical:

Joe...I live in a small town (2,500) within a mile of two substations. I'm good friends with the manager of the local power company (he's also a audiophile/music lover). We've put recorders and measured noise on my power and clean with very little noise. He says all the homes near me show similar readings:skeptical:



Always good to have a "powerful" friend. That's awesome. New dedicated outlets have helped my situation but I'd like to see if I have any fluctuations. It never occurred to me to check without power conditioning.
I've spoke to Jeff a/v about this very subject because my amps bias like to jump up early in the day. He also had me check my outlets and told me to test em at different times during the day.
They definitely fluctuate from 120 to around 124.
My tubes are all biased at just under 300. And if I check them in the morning they are over 300 in the afternoon they hold solid at 290-300 but if I check them at night they jump to like 305 or more. I think it's time to invest in a power conditioner.
I also have all the stuff here to run some dedicated lines I'm just too claustrophobic to crawl through my crawl space to run the wires. It's tight under there
Historically the voltage around here has been consistent...120 and never changing more than. Volt or two at random times. It was 127 again this morning.

I sent a note to the power company letting them know..will see if they say anything. My assumption is I won't hear a peep back.