Future McIntosh amp request? - A half power version of the MC2KW like an MC1KW with same technology ....


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
I think that would be cool and certainly more manageable. A 1,000 wpc version of the MC2KW with the same technology. I know the MC1.2KW would be similar but isn't it time for an update?
I might be in the minority, but I like the new Mc sound (601's) vs the old Mc
I might be in the minority, but I like the new Mc sound (601's) vs the old Mc

I do miss the MC601's that I had. When I had the CJ GAT preamp in front of them, it was really, really good. Hmmmmmm.
The lower models seem to have been updated. I would imagine it's only a matter of time for the rest of the amp line. They might be working on it already. The MC2KW's are sweet but really, who has the room for those? I loved the MC402 I had. So musical and plenty of power in reserve. I can't imagine what the MC1.2KW would be like. :exciting:
The lower models seem to have been updated. I would imagine it's only a matter of time for the rest of the amp line. They might be working on it already. The MC2KW's are sweet but really, who has the room for those? I loved the MC402 I had. So musical and plenty of power in reserve. I can't imagine what the MC1.2KW would be like. :exciting:


I would LOVE to find out. Sort of competition for other multi-box amps. Count me in.
How about something like the MC1.2KW in a stereo version? :skeptical:

Yummy! I could be wrong, but I think the 1.2's are older Mc sound and 601's are new Mc sound. I heard them both in an AB and preferred the 601's.
A updated version of this would be nice......200 per and a low profile amp without weighing a ton. Would look great with a C48. :snicker:

1. SS amps that actually double down into lower ohm loads. New 1.2kw = 2.4kw into 4 ohms! :)

2. An amp with a Class-D output stage and a tube input stage.

3. A pure Class-D amp that pairs with the D100.