

New member
Apr 12, 2013
Seaside heights boardwalk is on fire 5 blocks wide right now I just heard. Wow they've had a rough year . I'm a little south of there, but you can smell the smoke in the air at my house.
I guess Squishy and Jdog (or whatever the hell those morons from the tv Shows names are) got nowhere to go.
It's really terrible they just got that opened up barely for the summer. Most of the town is still in ruins from the hurricane.
I watched the long branch boardwalk burn down in the 80's was very sad and never came back.
Yea it's hot hot hot I hate it . Fall is my favorite season . As a matter of fact I lived on Maui for 5 years and I came back because I missed fall. What a mistake that was. I don't know about those celsius things must be some igloo temp thing. But it was 95 degrees today!!!!
Just hovering above 100 degree Fahrenheit here for the last three days in a row! ...Very rare for mid-september in my igloo. ...Usually it's cold, and snowing! ...And I need to wear my racket snowshoes, and do my shopping by ski doo.

* Celsius degrees were invented by polar people, with bipolar dispositions. ...It all started in their igloos first.
Lmao!!!!! Just how I figured it in my head. Lol!!!
Yes seaside is not where anyone wants to be . Lol it kinda lowlife with nothing but trouble going on there. But if you grew up in nj then You spent your teen years going there and partying and cruising for chicks and drag racing. And illegally getting into bars. Most grow out of it by the time they are in their 20's. but a lot of memories are up in smoke right now.
It's a sad day. But like everywhere in nj . If its on the water , once it gets ruined . The money comes in and pushes the poverty out and rebuilds and the prices go through the roof.
Change is coming to seaside heights