Thanks Dewey.
You're welcome Doug.. We're all here to have fun and help each others out..

Thanks Dewey.
You're welcome Doug.. We're all here to have fun and help each others out..![]()
Excuse my ignorance........but is JRivers installed on the CAPS 3.0? What do you use as a monitor?
Excuse my ignorance........but is JRivers installed on the CAPS 3.0? What do you use as a monitor?
OK, so to install JRiver you need to attach a monitor to the CAPS at some point and install JRiver. Then you can access your music via a JRiver app. Where is your music being stored? On a NAS drive?
And for the last time, Dewey's system is NOT A FREGGIN' "CAPS"...
I am so happy with my present system which sounds better everyday, using the Squeezebox Touch EDO fed USB into my DAC that I was wondering if CAPS or similar would yield benefits. Before the Touch I was using the Bryston BDP-1.
That's always tough to say that something will definitely sound better to your ears. I have a squeezebox too and it does sound terrific for the money, but I prefer the sound of my CAPS 3.0 the best. It is of course a lot more money, but at least its still available!
How do you find the squeezebox vs the Bryston?
If I go a different route from what I have now I'm planning on using a linear power supply with it. I have one that I used with my Squeezebox Duet with great results. The problem is that I would have to get it worked on so it will power the new server properly. Does anyone know of a place where I might be able to send it to be re-worked?
Mike........... I found no discernible sonic difference and a big price difference. The iPeng app interface with the squeezebox touch is so much better than what's available for the Bryston. I am using the USB output on the squeezebox with EDO installed so 24/192 is no problem. WW platinum USB also helps. I was using AES WW platinum with the Bryston.
I just ordered a new linear power supply for my Squeezebox Touch Mains Cables R Us Hi-Fi & Home Cinema Cables & Accessories - Mains Cables R Us They're in England but ship to the USA. I should have it in a week or so. Its not too expensive, under $300 so I thought I would give it a try. Jerome on AA recommended it.
I think the key is the USB output on the squeezebox into my DAC. It is about synergy within the various components. Maybe with the new Bryston BDP-2 USB capabilities it would be a different story. Of course at an even greater cost.That's interesting. The Bryston is so highly regarded and quite a bit more money if memory serves me correctly. Glad it works and sounds great for you. The WW platinum USB is terrific. I have that cable too.
Doug.......that's what I heard also, along with improving the digititus.I found that my linear power supply lowered the noise which in turn gave the music a blacker background. It also did wonders for tightening up the bass. It took quite a while to break in but was definitely worth it. I hope you get the same type of results from yours.