Devore O96s (the monkey's)

You can pay extra and choose your veneer. I choose to get whatever I got.

I lucked out and I like them pretty good. Some I've seen are OK but a little boring.

Jock, were you able to select a veneer on the O/96's? Or do you get what you get?
I'm not that familiar w Harbeth so I really don't know.

I find them to be dynamic and fun. They are pretty full range which surprises me. I would not call them accurate per se. But neither is real life conditions so they play live recorded music fabulously.

Add to that the efficiency and ease to drive and its a whole world of great amps to try. It's exciting and fun fun fun. I'll be selling my Duettes since they were my fun speaker and the O96 devour them. They are monkies :)

jock. congrats. I love box speakers. how do they sounds ? something like a Harbeth perhaps ?
I have a friend who is a DeVore dealer and so I will be hearing both 0/96's and 0/93's very soon. BTW I live here in Oregon as well.
Welcome to the forum Art!

Thank you for joining. We look forward to reading more about your experience with the Devore speakers.
Thank you, Joe. I received a PM from Doug and can't reply because I don't have 10 posts so...

Here is my reply, Doug.

Yes, Dale & Chris Shepherd at Eugene HiFi are friends. I've known them for a number of years. I love the Well Tempered decks and if I could afford it I would own the Amadeus GTA. I also owned the Clearaudio Concept at one time and although very good for the money the WTA is in another leagues altogether. Off to get ready for my workout (quite a task at my!). Enjoy your Sunday, Doug.
Thanks Art. I forgot about the anti-spam 10 post rule . I have more questions but they can wait. Enjoy your workout! :)

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... I received a PM from Doug and can't reply because I don't have 10 posts so...

Hi Art, nice to see you here. :) ...I'm Bob (LordOfTrings), over at AK.

Thanks Art. I forgot about the anti-spam 10 post rule . I have more questions but they can wait. Enjoy your workout! :)

Art, this guy (Doug) ^ is a very nice friendly guy. :)

Anyone heard anything about an O98?

Hey, no, but welcome! :)
I know it was Devore's plan to have three models in the Orangatang line. So it makes sense to have some Oxxx model coming.