D'Agostino amp and Preamp demo's have arrived!

Nice Mike. Will be interesting how you like them.

One thing is for sure, it is coming into Summer downunder and the ss amp is a godsend for the lack of heat it generates.

My big cj tube amps really do generate a LOT of heat in comparison.

That's why I'm leaning for "both". No matter what, July and August in Florida just feels so much hotter - even inside under AC.

I'm liking Dag stereo (gobs of power) with VTL S-400 or VAC phi200's instead of blowing my wad on Dag monos to gain only 2db more. Combined with Dag preamp is hard to beat. I like a SS Preamp and Tube amps. Backwards from traditional thinking - but I love the combo.

But RMAF may wreck all my plans! Toys everywhere!

The D'Agostino preamp was/is one of the BEST sounding preamps I've ever had/heard. The Dagostino preamp in conjunction with my Dartzeel amp is just outstanding. It had a three dimensional sweet sound that was undeniable. Just beautiful.