Completely ReBuild Thorens TD125 LB

Jerry Seh

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Well, I just couldn't help it. After reading, seeing and talking to Dave of Vinyl Nirvana, booked the "Thorens TD-125 Long Base, SME M2-12R 12″ Tonearm, and Custom Morado Plinth"

You can read all about this turntable - the ACTUAL unit I bought. Its waiting for the SME M2-12R tonearm to arrive sometime in May, and then mounted with the Ortofon Rondo Bronze will be shipped to me. Of course, voltage is now 230v.

Here's the link: The Legend Lives! Thorens TD-125 Long Base in Morado Plinth, SME M2-12R | Vinyl Nirvana AR Turntable Acoustic Research Merrill Thorens For Sale

I have attached the photos (taken from this same site) to share. For sure, I am very happy to own one such rare and beautifully restored classic. I suppose its about time I start building a VINTAGE system. Speakers? I am looking and - again - COMPLETELY restored JBL's 43xx series, from Kenricks Sound, Japan. In fact, I am making a trip down sometime first week of June with my better half, so she can see for herself why I am being mesmerised by these new restored gears.

Here's the link: ????????? - ??????????KENRICK SOUND? - JBL????? 43XX???? ?? ?? ???

Please hit the "Translate" button to ensure you can see the stuff in English rather than Japanese.

Ok, here are the picture with the description.

Hope you guys like it. I am patiently waiting for its arrival! Will share more when arrived. Meanwhile, here goes ....

Excellent Silkscreen Words-Thorens TD125.jpgMirror Polished Platter.jpgNew Top Metal Plate and Silkscreen Wordings.jpgOne More Look.jpgPiano Mirror Finish.jpgReBuild TD125 LB.jpgSolid Morado Plinth.jpgWith New Set On Acrylic Cover.jpg
Jerry... Congratulations!!! That is one pretty table. Do you plan on comparing it against your Feickert TT?

Jerry are these the JBL'?

Jerry... Congratulations!!! That is one pretty table. Do you plan on comparing it against your Feickert TT?

Jerry are these the JBL'?


Yes, these are the JBL 4344's! They belong to you? Beautiful vintage speakers!

I will be comparing but at a "friendly" basis cause I intend to keep both of them.
Yes, these are the JBL 4344's! They belong to you? Beautiful vintage speakers!

I will be comparing but at a "friendly" basis cause I intend to keep both of them.

Jerry... No, they are not mine. Just a picture off the net. They are beautiful speakers!!! I understand you are keeping both tables. It will be interesting to compare how tables evolved over the years.

Congratulations. I am so happy for you. I can feel your enthusiasm and can't wait until all your gear comes together. I've spent many hours looking at Kenrick sounds website.
Hi Jeff,

Both are like new, off from the works, one current and the other a 40 years old restored beauty. Indeed it would be interesting to compare them, more so, IF I could switch the arms and cartridge where it would be an apple vs apple condition. However, this would most unlikely to happen as I am a novice in setting up of arms and cartridges, at most, the same cartridge would be as far as a comparison can go. Still, would be an interesting comparison.

As for speakers, I am looking at these 43xx series BUT also at those pairs of lovely restored NS1000M, now in more colorful ways than the original black ash versions of the late seventies.

Hifi is really so much fun ... in more ways than ever now.

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Hey Jerry and all,

Nice forum. Looking forward to hanging out.


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Welcome Dave!

I am singing praises on my purchase and would like to share the masterpiece once I received it.

Do share your experience for all to learn!
