CD/DVD-rom recommendations for ripping cds ...


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Do you worry about what cd-rom drive you use to rip your music cds? Recommendations?
Thanks Michael. I've seen that info. I know back in the day, certain cd-rom were particularly good at extracting data. I was never able to find them as it apparently became less and less important, but not to me. :)
I worry more about which program to use. Like Michael said, many of the software programs use a database to provide accurate rip info and can add to that info. with every rip done. I've been using both dbPoweramp (PC) and XLD (Mac) with great success. Each of these companies provide a rip sheet once done so you can see the results. Obviously if you have a crummy CD-ROM drive that doesn't work properly it will effect the quality of the rip, but I think these days the bigger concern is using the best software.
The best

Use your standard DVD/CD Rom computer drive (most are also BluRay ready) and use Nero. It has always been the book standard for perfect rips. There are a lot of audio rip programs so it is not an issue. The advantage of Nero is IF you need it, it has the advanced capabilities. When I was a video editor, it was my go to burn software and have been using it since its inception back in the old CD R days...
Any regular CDROM or DVD/CD drive drive will do. These days they are just about all the same. CDROM or DVD/CD drives do not rip CDs, software does that function. The drive is just the vehicle that reads and writes. For ripping CDs the built in Windows works well or you can step it up a notch and go with EAC (Exact Audio Copy)and it is also FREE and FREE is good! For Burning, I would recommend NERO.
What do I use personally? Windows Media Player, EAC, Audacity and NERO and have been using them for years both personally and professionally.