Cartridge Suggestion


New member
May 7, 2013
Currently using a Benz-Micro Wood M2 on my Graham Phantom. I have been interested in trying the Benz SLR Gullwing but with all the stories surrounding Benz if it is a good choice, not withstanding synergy with my system. The other finalist I have in mind is the Lyra Kleos, a tad cooler but still within my range. Biggest problem with cartridges is that they are hard to get as loaners here in Canada. Opinions and other suggestions welcome in the same price range?
Jeff (AV Solutions) who actively participates and sponsors this forum is definitely the person to best answer this. He has a multitude of tables and is a big fan of Graham, Benz and Lyra. I'm sure he can put you on the right course.

Remember seeing something a while back to the effect that you came from Brampton Mike, I live in Montreal's West Island.
Did forget to mention that my room gets pressurized easily. My Dorian mono at 0.25v does fine whereas my Benz M2 can be loud at 0.8v, the REF 3 is run at less than 10% of potential with the Benz. IO runs at 62db with current loading at 4.75k .
The Graham Phantom supports a wide selection of cartridges, some of my favorites are the Benz LPs, Gullwing, Kleos, Delos, Shelter Harmony, Ortofon A90, Ortofon, Cadenza Black....From your comments above it appears you stick with the same gain and loading for both cartridges, have you tried different settings for the individual cartridges?
Thank you Jeff for replying. When I originally purchased the IO I played with gain, never since. It's currently at it's lowest setting unless I take some tubes out. Have played with loading extensively and 4.75k works quite well for both cartridges.

Considering rumours of poor service and availability regarding Benz lately I guess they are out of the question for me.
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Thank you Jeff for replying. When I originally purchased the IO I played with gain, never since. It's currently at it's lowest setting unless I take some tubes out. Have played with loading extensively and 4.75k works quite well for both cartridges.

BTW I spoke with the Canadian distributor for Micro Benz this morning who told me he has extensive problems with Benz, hasn't gotten any new cartridges from them in a long while and a number of cartridges out for rebuilt are MIA in over a year, nor has he heard from them. So I guess Benz is out of the question for me.

Benz is definitely having issues. I would try the Lyra Kleos, the Dynavector XX2mkII, or if you can stretch a bit, maybe a Koetsu. I know Jeff is pretty impressed with the Ortofon Cadenza Black but it seems to me like you like a fuller sound in which case I would consider the Dyna or the Koetsus. As you say, the Lyra sound may be a bit lean, although the Delos and Kleos are supposedly more tonally dense than their predecessors.
I have (just sold with my TT and arm) the Dynavector Cyril mentions. It sounds wonderful, but its output is very very low. I've gone with the Lyra Kleos now.
Some interesting suggestion here, The Shelter Harmony appears an interesting choice but unfortunately above my current budget. Dynavector also appears interesting, both the Te Kaitora Rua and the xx2, will see if I can have a listen to them locally. I'm leary about the Ortofon, I've had in the past a Kontrapunkt C which to my hear sounded lifeless. I do understand that the Cadenza Black probably sounds different but that's one I would need to hear in my system prior to buying. The only one I have listened to and I liked, although not on my system, is the Kleos. Anybody heard the SL version?

Thank you very much for your help so far, cartridges is one item that's very hard to purchase I find as they have a significant impact on the overall sound and you really can't try at home unless you purchase. My intent is to try to find the "one" first time although that could be a hard one.